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DAC - Import and Export in DAC

DAC Functionally involve in exporting and importing metadata from different source system containers, where the data from the source has to load in DAC repository from one environment to other environment such as development, test, production.

Metadata files such as for different module of importing and exporting will carry out for some of the modules were financial analytics, Human Resource, Procurement and spend analysis, Supply chain, order management analysis.

Importing DAC Metadata Steps
1.       In the DAC menu bar, select Tools, then select DAC Repository Management, then select Import.

2.      Select the directory from which you want to import DAC metadata, or accept the default directory.

Here the default Directory “c:\orahome\10gR3_1\Dac-BKP” it may change according to the system and install drive of the users.

Click “Change Import/Export Folder” to change the default folders.

3.      Select the appropriate source system containers.

According to the system source containers available for you, can choose it and select it from the folders. Check in the containers from the application list.

Some of the source system containers for example Oracle R12.1.3, Oracle R12, People Soft….

4.      Select the appropriate categories of metadata you want to import:
·         Logical. Imports all information contained in the Design view and database connection information.
·         System. Imports all information contained in the Setup view, except passwords for servers and database connections.
·         Run Time. Imports information about ETL runs (contained in the Execute view)

5.      If you are importing metadata into a blank repository or to completely replace the current metadata in the repository, select Truncate Repository Tables.
This action overwrites the content in the current repository. Selecting the Truncate Repository Tables option greatly increases the speed of the import process.

6.      (Optional) Select Enable Batch Mode to insert the imported metadata into the repository as an array insert.
This action increases the speed of the import process.

7.      Click OK.

8.      Verify the import process by reviewing the log file “\OracleBI\DAC\log\import.log”.

Exporting Metadata Steps

1.      In the DAC menu bar, select Tools, then select DAC Repository Management, then select Export.

2.      Select the directory to which you want to export DAC metadata, or accept the default directory.
Here the default Directory “c:\orahome\10gR3_1\Dac-BKP” it may change according to the system and install drive of the users.Click “Change Import/Export Folder” to change the default folders.

3.      Select the appropriate source system containers.

4.      Select the appropriate categories of metadata you want to export:
o    Logical. Exports all information contained in the Design view and database connection information.
o    System. Exports all information contained in the Setup view, except passwords for servers and database connections.
o    Run Time. Exports information about ETL runs (contained in the Execute view).

5.      Click OK.

6.      Verify the export process by reviewing the log file “\OracleBI\DAC\log\export.log”.


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