If you are having any query or wishing to get any type of help related Datawarehouse, OBIEE, OBIA, OAC then please e-email on below. I will reply to your email within 24 hrs. If I didn’t reply to you within 24 Hrs., Please be patience, I must be busy in some work.
1. Display the dept information from department table. Select * from dept; 2. Display the details of all employees Select * from emp; 3. Display the name and job for all employees Select ename ,job from emp; 4. Display name and salary for all employees. Select ename , sal from emp; 5. Display employee number and total salary for each employee. Select empno, sal+comm from emp; 6. Display employee name and annual salary for all employees. Select empno,empname,12*sal+nvl(comm,0) annualsal from emp; 7. Display the names of all employees who are working in department number 10 Select ename from emp where deptno=10; 8. Display the names of all employees working as clerks and drawing a salary more than 3000 Select ename from emp where job=’clerk’and sal>3000; 9. Display employee number and names for employees who earn commissi...
ReplyDeleteI am currently working as a datawarehkuse tester, and have good knowledge in warehousing concepts.I am interested in etlvdevelopment. Is it possible? Also what all areas I shoukd be expertise at if I want to move to development.could you pls help with this information. Also do you give training on informatica development.
You can reach me in coogle7222@gmail.com
Kashif M
Please post OBIEE certification questions.