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Showing posts with the label Normalization in Oracle

Normalization in SQL ((1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF)

Normalization: Normalization is step-by-step process of reducing complexity of an entity by distributing the attributes to different entities. Following six normal rules are used sequentially on each entity to normalize them and the attribute that does not adhere to the rule is taken out of the entity.   First Normal Form (1NF) o    Every attribute must have value. It should not be empty. In RDBMS a column without value has NULL value that can be manipulated or accesses like a normal value. o    Every attribute must have atomic value that cannot be shorten further. For example: Name is non-atomic attribute as it can be broken into First Name, Middle Name and Surname.   Second Normal Form (2NF) o    An entity must be in First Normal Form o    Entity must have a Primary Key or Composite Primary Key o    Every attribute must be fully and functionally dependent upon Primary Key   Third Normal For...