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Showing posts with the label OBIEE 11G

Improve the performance of OBIEE in Windows Environment

Recently I have been asked by some visitor of my blog that his laptop is old and OBIEE 11g is responding very slow in this machine and asked for some alternative solutions like virtual box etc. After few research around the internet we found the virtual memory plays the major roles on windows performance which will impact on the OBIEE performance. By increasing the virtual memory his laptop has started responding much better then before. Below is screenshot to change the virtual memory  Improve the performance of OBIEE in Windows Environment Go to My Computer and right click and go for properties - Advance system settings - Advance  After reaching to Advance click on settings under Performance and go Advance and click on Virtual memory and you will find the above settings change it as per your system and give Ok. You are done now restart your machine and check your OBIEE instance.

Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed output prompts, sections, rows, or columns.

I have recevied Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed output prompts, sections, rows, or columns Error during building pivot view. Screenshot of my error Solution: Go to instanceconfig file from below location: E:\bi119\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1  Search for the below lines  <ODBC> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <ResultRowLimit>65000</ResultRowLimit> </ODBC> Change as Below <ODBC> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <ResultRowLimit>999999</ResultRowLimit> </ODBC> Find the below lines <Pivot> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>75</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDel...

GUID Refresh in OBIEE 11g & OBIEE 12C

The process of refreshing GUID came into place when we migrate the solution to production or else done some changes in server level but you could not find impact of the changes to you done. This is were refreshing GUID in OBIEE 11g and OBIEE 12c taken place. There are 2 files which you need to change for doing GUID refresh in OBIEE 11g and OBIEE 12c (NQSConfig.INI and instanceconfig.xml)     Note 1: Please take one backup before you doing anything with this files so that if something goes wrong you can replace with it. Note 2: Stop the weblogic server from EM GUID Refresh in OBIEE 11g & OBIEE 12C ==================== instanceconfig.xml ================================= 1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing. This file is located at,  <ORACLE_INSTANCE>/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/.  2. Locate the Catalog XML element which should contain only the UpgradeAndExit subelement.  ...

Overview of OBIEE 12C

What is OBIEE? • Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12C (OBIEE) is a comprehensive business intelligence platform that delivers a full range of capabilities, including:  – interactive dashboards – ad hoc queries – ifications and alerts – enterprise and financial reporting – scorecard and strategy management – business process invocation – search and collaboration – mobile, integrated systems management and more. Overview of OBIEE 12C What is BIEE? • OBIEE 11g can access data from multiple heterogeneous sources including: – relational sources (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc…) – multidimensional sources (Hyperion, Essbase etc…) OBIEE Functionality Interactive Dashboards – Master detail reporting – Interactive drill wns/throughs Ad Hoc Analysis – User friendly interface for easy analysis – Powerful views (graphs, pivot tables etc) • Enterprise reporting delivered by BI Publisher – Pixel perfect reporti...