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Showing posts with the label OBIEE 12c

How to create a Pivot Table View in OBIEE 12c

  How to create a Pivot Table View in OBIEE 12c 1. Create a pivot table with Area and Measure Labels in the rows and T05 Perc Name Year in the columns. 2. Make sure that totals  have been added correctly on the rows and columns (row totals not displayed above). 3. Click the Row Properties icon and uncheck the option to Display Heading.

How to create a Tabular View in OBIEE 12c

  How to create a Tabular View in OBIEE 12c 1. Format the table with a grand total and the folder and column names as displayed above. 2. Add conditional formatting on the Rev Pct to Period Ago column.  3. T05 Per Name Year should be in the Excluded section.

How to do criteria selections in OBIEE 12c

  1. Create a new analysis with the columns and filter displayed above. How to do criteria selections in OBIEE 12c

How to save the Page in OBIEE 12c

  1. You can use the Preview icon to see what your dashboard will look like prior to saving it.  2. Click the Run icon to exit the dashboard editor.  Any unsaved changes will be lost if you click this icon prior to saving the page. 3. Make sure you click the Save icon before clicking the Run icon or you will lose your unsaved changes. How to save the Page in OBIEE 12c 1. Click the Save icon on the upper right corner of the page to save your  dashboard page. 2. Click the Run icon to exit the dashboard editor. Result Result

How to add Analyses to the Page in OBIEE 12c

  How to add Analyses to the Page in OBIEE 12c 1. Open your My Folders folder in the Catalog object.  2. Open the Day 1 Analyses  folder. 3. Drag and drop Exercise #11 to the left column.  Notice that a section was created automatically when we did this.  Exercise #11 is now contained in Section 1 and both objects are in Column 1. How to add Analyses to the Page in OBIEE 12c 1. Drag and drop Exercise #10 to the column on the right.   Notice that a section was created automatically when we did this.   Exercise #10 is now contained in Section 2 and both objects are in Column 2.

How to add Columns to the Dashboard Layout in OBIEE 12c

  1. You can add analyses to the dashboard page through the Catalog pane.  Your private analyses will be found under My Folders and any shared analyses will be found under Shared Folders. 2. All content including dashboard objects and analyses get added into the page layout area. How to add Columns to the Dashboard Layout in OBIEE 12c 1. Drag and drop a Column object from the Dashboard Objects list and move it into the page layout area on the right. How to add Columns to the Dashboard Layout in OBIEE 12c 1. We want two columns side by side.  Drag and drop another Column object from the Dashboard Objects list and move it to the left of the first  column.  Watch for the blue line to indicate when to drop it.   NOTE: When dragging try to anchor it toward the middle of the first column.  If you are too close to the top it will try to put it on top of the first column.

How to open the Dashboard Editor in OBIEE 12c

  1. When you have an empty dashboard page you can click the Edit link in the message saying “This page has no content….” to open the dashboard editor and add content.  This message and link only appear on empty dashboard pages. 2. You can also open the dashboard editor by clicking the Page Options icon and  choosing ‘Edit Dashboard’ from the dropdown.  This option is always available. How to open the Dashboard Editor in OBIEE 12c 1. Click the Page Options icon. 2. Choose ‘Edit Dashboard’ from the dropdown list. Dashboard Objects Dashboard Objects 1.  The following table contains an explanation of the different dashboard objects available.

How to open your “My Dashboard” in OBIEE 12c

  1. Any dashboards that you have accessed recently can be opened from here. 2. Any analyses that you have accessed recently be opened from here. How to open your “My Dashboard” in OBIEE 12c 1. Select the  Dashboards Icon  on the Global Header. 2. Select My Dashboard from the dropdown list.

How to create a Pie Chart on Billed Quantity in OBIEE 12c

  How to create  a Pie Chart on Billed Quantity in OBIEE 12c 1. Create a 3-D pie chart with 2 - Billed Quantity in the Slice Size section and  Area in the Slices section.   2. Place the legend on top of the chart and set the canvas width to 450.

How to create a Stacked Bar Chart in OBIEE 12c

  How to create a Stacked Bar Chart in OBIEE 12c 1. Create a 2-D stacked  vertical bar chart with  Revenue in the Bars, Area  and Measure Labels in the  Vary Color By section, and  T05 Per Name Year in the  Group By section. 2. Remember to move the  legend and adjust the  canvas width to 450.

How to add Replacement Columns in OBIEE 12 c

  1. When more than one column is “replaceable”, it is a best practice to uncheck the checkbox to “Automatically refresh when a new column is selected”.  This will give the user an OK button so that they can replace one or both columns and then refresh the analysis.   2. Labels can be added to any of the column selections that you’ve added to indicate to the user either which column will be replaced, or some other indicator. 3. You can also modify column properties of replacement columns using this icon such as changing the column heading or data format. 4. You can edit the formula of replacement columns using this icon. How to add Replacement Columns in OBIEE 12 c 1. Check the Include Selector checkbox in the Brand column. 2. Open the Products Table and double click the P2 Product Type column. 3. Open the Customers table and Cust Region folder and double click C50 Region column. 4. Open the Time folder and double click the T05 Per Name Year column. 5. Uncheck the “A...

How to add Colors and Borders in OBIEE 12c

  1. Typical formatting for headings include adding a background color    2. A nd putting a border around the heading     How to add Colors and Borders in OBIEE 12c 1. Select a background color for the column heading.   2. Add a border around the column heading.   3. Click the OK button.   It is a BICG best practice to use subdued colors for all backgrounds (and charts, or other color formatting), which appeal to the eye better than primary or other brash colors. How to add Colors and Borders in OBIEE 12c 1. Click the Custom Headings checkbox. 2. Enter ‘Customer’ for the Folder Heading. 3. Enter ‘Region’ for the Column Heading. 4. Click the OK button. How to add Colors and Borders in OBIEE 12c 1. Format the P4 Brand column with a different color and a border. 2. Change the P4 Brand column name to ‘Brand’. 3. Click the  Results tab. 4. Your table should resemble the one displayed above. 5. Click the Criteria tab.

How to build a View Selector in OBIEE 12c

  1. Table = Tabular Data Graph = Billed Quantity Comparison Chart2 = Area Comparison Pivot Table = Area Yearly Trend Pivot Table How to build a View Selector in OBIEE 12c 1. Build a view selector,  and add all of the  views that you’ve  built. 2. Rename the views  with meaningful  names, and add a  caption. 3. Return to the  compound layout and  remove the views  that are included in  the selector. Result Result 1. Save your analysis as  “Exercise #13

How to rename Views in OBIEE 12c

  1. You can rename each view contained within the view selector, to include a more meaningful name, rather than just  Graph, Table or Pivot Table. How to rename Views in OBIEE 12c 1. Highlight the Graph view in Views Included and click the Rename button. 2. Enter ‘Units by Brand/Region’ as the new name and click the OK button. 3. Using the same steps, rename your table to ‘Tabular Data’ and rename your pivot table to ‘Region by Year and Brand’. 4. Click the Done button to return to the compound layout. 5. Save the analysis as Exercise #11. 6. Click the Preview icon. Result

How to test the View Selector in OBIEE 12c

  1. You can test your view selector to see how it will appear on a Dashboard by clicking the “Preview” icon. How to test the View Selector in OBIEE 12c 1. Click the Preview icon. It’s a BICG best practice to always test the analysis using the preview button, rather than testing it from within an editor, or within the compound layout.  That’s because any changes done in the preview window, won’t change the underlying analysis, but that’s not true if you were to test the analysis otherwise.  For example, if you were to drill down on the analysis in the compound layout, the drill-down will work, but if you then saved the analysis, you’d save the drilled down version of the analysis, not the version you built. 1.  In the preview window, the view  selector will look and behave  exactly as it will once it’s  dropped into a Dashboard. How to test the View Selector in OBIEE 12c 1. Test all three views. 2. Close the preview window. 3. Click the Edit icon on th...

How to remove the other Views from the Compound Layout in OBIEE 12c

After returning to the compound layout,  you’ll notice that not much has changed,  other than your new view selector has  been added to the bottom of the  compound layout.  To finish this exercise,  we’re going to remove all other views,  except for the view selector and the  filters view. 1.  That means removing the tabular layout  by clicking the “x” button in the upper  right hand corner of that view,  2. And removing the graph view, 3.  And removing the pivot table view, 4.  And leaving the view selector view. How to remove the other Views from the Compound Layout in OBIEE 12c 1. Remove all views except  for the Title, view  selector and filters views.  2. Drag and drop the view  selector so that it is  above the filters view. For this exercise, we’re  removing all of the original  analysis views except for the  view selector, but it’s  perfectly acceptable to leave...

How to test the View Selector in OBIEE 12c

  1. Confirm that the three views appear in the drop-down box under the “Display Results” checkbox. 2. Click the Done button to return to the compound layout. How to test the View Selector in OBIEE 12c

How to use the View Selector Editor in OBIEE 12c

  1 The view selector displays all views that have been added to the analysis object, whether or not those objects have been added to the compound view. 2. By clicking the right arrow, views can be added to the view selector.  Clicking the left arrow removes views that have already been added. 3. A caption can be added to the view selector (such as “Select a View”). 4. The results of the view selector will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. How to use the View Selector Editor in OBIEE 12c 1. Highlight the Graph view in Available Views and use the move right arrow to move it into Views Included. 2. Do the same steps to add the Table and Pivot Table to Views Included. 3. Type “Select a View” into the caption text box. It is a BICG best practice, to normally add a tabular, or pivot table view to each view selector, even if the predominant views are graphs. That’s to allow the user to both find the detailed numbers, as well as move to a more appropriate view in the event th...

How to add a View Selector in OBIEE 12c

  1. You will find lesser used views under the Other Views submenu. How to add a View Selector in OBIEE 12c   1. Click the New View  icon on the top of the screen. 2. Hover over Other Views. 3. Choose View Selector from the dropdown list 4. Click the Edit icon to put the View Selector view into edit mode.

How to save the Analysis in OBIEE 12c

  1. Drag and drop the Column Selector so that it is above the table view. 2. Save the analysis  3. Click the Preview icon. How to save the Analysis in OBIEE 12c Result How to save the Analysis in OBIEE 12c 1. Test the column selector by selecting T05 Per Name Year in the first column selector and P2 Product Type in the second column selector. 2. Click the “OK” button. How to save the Analysis in OBIEE 12c If you don’t see the “OK” button to the right of your dropdowns, then you’ve left the “Automatically Refresh” option checked.  Return to the Column Selector, and uncheck this box.