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Showing posts with the label Informatica Interview Question

Informatica Scenarios Based Questions

I am posting Informatica complex scenarios questions in this post and I will post Informatica scenarios answers in my next post. The follow informarica scenarios will be useful for attending interview also to practice for handling different scenarios in day to day office work. Scenario 1: I have Source as a Table and I want to load the data in Flat file Target with one Header and one Trailer Header: (emp,sysdate) Trailer: count(records), sum(salary) How will be the approach in Informatica Scenario 2: Hi all, My source, Table 1 null 11 null 11 Table 2 66 1 67 2 The output I need is null 11 66 1 null 11 67 2 so for the above requirement i have tried with full outer join.But that is not worked for me. Scenario 3: Source Row is Column A Column B ...................... ABC 3 XYZ 2 Target should come as Column A Column B ........................ ABC 3 ABC 3 ABC 3 XYZ 2 XYZ 2 Scenario 4: I have a source table as below a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 Need an output as a1,a2,a3 a4,a5,a6 ...

Joiner Transformation Interview Question ( Part - 1)

What is a Joiner Transformation and why it is an Active one?   Answer: A Joiner is an Active and Connected transformation used to join two source data streams coming from same or heterogeneous databases or files. The Joiner transformation joins sources with at least one matching column. The Joiner transformation uses a condition that matches one or more pairs of columns between the two sources. In the Joiner transformation, we must configure the transformation properties namely Join Condition, Join Type and optionally Sorted Input option to improve Integration Service performance. The join condition contains ports from both input sources that must match for the Integration Service to join two rows. Depending on the join condition and the type of join selected, the Integration Service either adds the row to the result set or discards the row. Because of this reason, the number of rows in Joiner output may not be equal to the number of rows in Joiner Input. This is why ...

Expression Transformation Interview Question ( Part - 2)

Describe the approach for the requirement. Suppose the input is:   The desired output is:   Answer: Use an Expression transformation:- Expression Transformation Interview Question ( Part - 2) Keep in mind the string length of the variable and output ports. CUME function is used to calculate the cumulative amount based on the argument of the cumulative function. This means, if we call CUME with argument 1, e.g. CUME(1); then on the first call it will re-turn 1; on the second call, it will return 2; on the third call, it will return 3 and so on. Since Informatica process data row by row, this means that when the first row is processed CUME(1) will return 1; for the next row, it will return 2 and so on. How can we implement aggregation operation without using an Aggregator Transformation in Informatica?   Answer: We will use the very basic concept of the Expression Transformation, that at a time we can access the pr...