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Showing posts with the label Oracle Administrator

ORA-65096: Invalid common user or role name

I have faced Invalid common user or role name error in Oracle database 12c. please find below screenshot to rectify it. ORA-65096: Invalid common user or role name Give a command as - alter session set "_oracle_script"=true; ORA-65096: Invalid common user or role name Now I can able to create user ORA-65096: Invalid common user or role name Enjoy

Oracle Database 11G Installation in Windows

Follow this document for 11g R2 version….. if difference found please let me know Click on the setup of the 11g R2 Here below screenshot username : orcl password : orcl. Give same path for installing all the software on one folder itself Uncheck enable oracle configuration manager Please let your administrator know if status fails Enterprise Manager Database Control URL - (orcl) : Your database configuration files have been installed in D:\app\amolp while other components selected for installation have been installed in D:\app\amolp\product\11.1.0\db_1. Be cautious not to accidentally delete these configuration files.

Kill session in Oracle

SQL Error: ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected 01940. 00000 -  "cannot drop a user that is currently connected" *Cause:    Attempt was made to drop a user that is currently logged in. *Action:   Make sure user is logged off, then repeat command. When you planned to drop user in oracle.  sometime you will get error like this Kill session in Oracle Solution: Login with sys user of your database, and enter this query. select sid,serial# from v$session where username ='BAW' It will display you the list of sid and serial#, which your user is using. Then use this query Alter system kill session '143','500'; were 143 is sid and 500 is serial# once you kill all the session related to this schema, drop this user now. Now you have successfully dropped your schema. 

Check contrains in oracle

How to handle case senstive data in oracle by check contrains I have a table which insert both upper and lower case data get inserted in my table So, Now I need to insert only upper case in my table.. we have acheive it by the following query as mention below . Alter Table Xxbkpi_Lookup Add Constraint Xxbkpi_Lookup_Unq_Ck    Check (Lookup_Type = Upper(Lookup_Type) And  Lookup_Code= Upper(Lookup_Code))


We can't give TCL statement (commit,rollback) in oracle trigger.. So what is the solution??? Write a procedure with commit and PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION and call this procedure inside the trigger  as mention below. Write procedure as follow.. create or replace Procedure Test As PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; Begin Insert Into Emp_Test Values (600,'Rama2',1000,'chennai'); commit; END; And fire a trigger as follows create or replace TRIGGER TRG_TEST After Insert On Emp FOR EACH ROW Declare   Begin test(); End; So in this way, you can write a TCL (commit,rollback) inside a trigger

Fine Grained Auditing in Oracle

Fine Grained Auditing The Fine Grained Auditing feature allows monitoring of a SQL statement in greater detail. It compliments the regular AUDIT feature provided by Oracle for years. Auditing provides the basic information about access. The Fine Grained Auditing feature provides even more detailed information. The level of detail provided by the Fine Grained Auditing feature includes, but is not limited to:     The Complete SQL Statement executed on the object.         Bind values and the user executing the statement         System Change Number (SCN) information In previous versions, only SELECTs can be audited using Fine Grained Auditing. Oracle10g extends the Fine Grained Auditing to Data Manipulation Languages. The following  Data Manipulation commands can be audited using Fine Grained Auditing.     INSERT     DELETE   ...

How to Decrypt Oracle Apps Password

SELECT *FROM FND_USER WHERE USER_NAME='SEVENTH' CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE XXARTO_GET_PWD AS FUNCTION decrypt (KEY IN VARCHAR2, VALUE IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; END XXARTO_GET_PWD; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY XXARTO_GET_PWD AS FUNCTION decrypt (KEY IN VARCHAR2, VALUE IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME ' (java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return java.lang.String'; END XXARTO_GET_PWD; SELECT Usr.User_Name, Usr.Description, XXARTO_GET_PWD.Decrypt ( (SELECT (SELECT XXARTO_GET_PWD.Decrypt(Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd, Usertable.Encrypted_Foundation_Password) FROM DUAL)AS Apps_Password FROM applsys.Fnd_User Usertable WHERE Usertable.User_Name =(SELECT SUBSTR ( Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd,1,INSTR (Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd,'/')- 1) FROM DUAL)),Usr.Encrypted_User_Password)Password FROM applsys.Fnd_User Usr WHERE Usr.User_Name = 'SEVENTH'; ...

Change default language in oracle database

How to insert multiple language in oracle

In database configuration assistance, select Unicode (AL32UTF8)

how to insert arabic data in oracle

Go to database configuration assistance  select create database and give next  click next  mention your instance name  click next with default                                                 fill your password go with file system click next with default click next with default click next with default select AR8MSWIN1256 - MS Windows code page 1256 8-Bit Latin/Arabic click next with default click next with default click next with default check on create database and give next go to select sql developer and create connection create table for sample insert some data with arabic data got inserted with arabic Keep rocking