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Showing posts with the label ODI

Creation of Master and Work Repository in ODI 12C & ODI 11g

Below are the steps to be followed to create master and work repository in ODI 11g and ODI 12c. Create user ODIMR and give connect and resource privilege  Open ODI and go to Master Repository creation wizard - Give all the DB credentials as mentioned below Create Master Repository Creation Wizard - Authenticate with SPERVISOR user. Click Finish You master repository creation was successful and it will show as below. to to New Gallery and click on Create a new ODI repository login Give the Database details as follows and test the connection  Go to topology and right click the work repository and create new work repository  click on test connections Give Yes and proceed further Give your default password Give Yes Create Login name Login to ODI ...

Step by Step Installation of ODI

Below are the steps for Installing ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) Pre_ Request: Installed Oracle Data Base 11g Installed JDK 1.7 Install ODI: Download ODI11.1.1.9 from the Below link     Download RCU From the same Link For ExtractThe ZIP files For ODI Then Start Installing the RCU For the ODI Navigate C:\ODI_11.\rcuHome\BIN Insert the database connection Then insert password for the schema Then next Then next Here it’s going to Create The Temp Tables for The Work And Master Repo Start installing ODI Navigate to C:\ODI_11.\ODI11.1.1.9\Disk Run The EXE with jreLoc NO