Hadoop Interview questions has been contributed by Charanya Durairajan, She attended interview in Wipro, Zensar and TCS for Big Data Hadoop . The questions mentions below are very important for hadoop interviews. 1 In the hadoop-envsh file, what does the setting HADOOP_HEAPSIZE establish? 2 What is AVRO? 3 When archiving Hadoop files, which of the following statements are true? (Choose two) 4 What is the difference between killed task and failed tasks? 5 What are the two methods of the orgapachehadoopmapredInputFormat interface? 6 The file sampletxt has the following content: 7 Which of the following is false about RawComparator ? 8 Which of the following are true about fsck? 9 Based on the following reduce method signature, which two of the following statements are true? 10 You are given a file that is split into 5 blocks when writing to HDFSWh...