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Showing posts with the label Oracle Database Installation in Linux 6

Oracle Database 11g Installation in Linux 6.2

Pre-request for installation of oracle database 11g in oracle Linux 6.2 Once the installing package process completes then restart the system once if you need (Not mandatory) because some of the packages will get updated once you restart the system. Go to the software location and install oracle Database. You can create a location for database installation, if not installation will take automatically the location as default. Oracle Database 11g Installation in Linux 6.2 Go to the directory and execute the “runInstaller” using the command ‘./installer name’ Installation process will get start in a few seconds. Oracle Database 11g Installation in Linux 6.2 Oracle Database 11g Installation in Linux 6.2 Click next, if you wish to receive security updates you can generate your email id via oracle support. Select the installation option, from the list. Oracle Database 11g Installation in Linux 6.2 Node selection step  ...

Oracle Database 11g installation in Oracle Linux 6.2 - Pre-request

Download Oracle Database software supported by Linux There will 2 parts with the zip format 1. 2. Unzip the .zip files in Linux terminal using the command Unzip <file> It will create a single folder with the name of “database” Example Unzip Unzip Oracle Database 11g installation Check the database folder which contains all the related files or not. Oracle Database 11g installation Edit the “/etc/hosts” file for configuring host server name. Go to the location and change the host name, ip address and machine name. Oracle Database 11g installation Format : < Ip Address > < Host Name > < Domain Name > Open in...