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Showing posts with the label OBIEE 10G

GUID Refresh in OBIEE 11g & OBIEE 12C

The process of refreshing GUID came into place when we migrate the solution to production or else done some changes in server level but you could not find impact of the changes to you done. This is were refreshing GUID in OBIEE 11g and OBIEE 12c taken place. There are 2 files which you need to change for doing GUID refresh in OBIEE 11g and OBIEE 12c (NQSConfig.INI and instanceconfig.xml)     Note 1: Please take one backup before you doing anything with this files so that if something goes wrong you can replace with it. Note 2: Stop the weblogic server from EM GUID Refresh in OBIEE 11g & OBIEE 12C ==================== instanceconfig.xml ================================= 1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing. This file is located at,  <ORACLE_INSTANCE>/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/.  2. Locate the Catalog XML element which should contain only the UpgradeAndExit subelement.  ...

Usage Tracking in OBIEE 10 G

Usage Tracking which is used to monitor the query performance and the users or group of users who was seen the dashboards or reports. Analyzing usage details by users, groups and queries requested by the user. The detail report of log in time and logout time, time of period used by the user in a dashboard, and query analyses. Useful information of user’s information for billing process by enabling usage tracking. Step by step Implementation of usage tracking Create a schema for usage tracking (It’s not mandatory, you can use the already existed schema also). Creating a new schema using sqlplus. Open a command prompt, login as sys. For example, Create username as “tracking” and password as “tracking”.  Grant permissions to the user. Execute the SAACCT.Oracle.sql from the following location “start <obiee 10 installed drive>\oracleBI\Server\Schema\ SAACCT.Oracle.sql “in the command prompt. Example: Sql> start c:...

Renaming Dashboard Name in OBIEE 10G

Dashboards name renaming for business purpose. Steps to Renaming Dashboard Names 1. Select the Dashboard which you are going to change Before Changing Dashboard Name take a back up of Catalog and RPD too. Look Before changing the name. Renaming Dashboard Name in OBIEE 10G Changing ‘FINANCIALS’ to ‘Financial 2013’ 2. Click on Edit Dashboard properties in the right side of the dashboard under page option. Renaming Dashboard Name in OBIEE 10G 3. You will get the dashboard editor page to change the name, Under that click on dashboard properties hand symbol. Renaming Dashboard Name in OBIEE 10G Click on that properties. 4. Dashboard properties page will get display, below that go for Dashboard pages à operations Under operations u can change the dashboard name. Renaming Dashboard Name in OBIEE 10G 5. Click on Rename symbol Rename the dashboard to FINANCIALS TO Financials 2...


Security on Presentation Layer in Obiee 11G Giving permission in the presentation layer for all the subject area.  Instead of giving permissions to separate tables, columns… Step 1: Go to manage menu under that click on Identity to open the identity Manager. Once it opens select the user or application roles or groups who you want to assign permissions. Step 2: Right Click on the user and go to properties, user related information will get display In that click on permission tab, to assign permissions for the user. Once you click, a tab will open “ user/Application Role permissions – Administrator ”   Step 3: Click on the green” + ” button in the above image, to add the presentation subject areas or user or application roles. Once you given the add button it will browse for the subject areas or tables or columns. In the type select the subject area. Under that in lower pane a list of all ...