Steps to be done on SIL_PartyOrganizationDimension failure 1. When the task SIL_PartyOrganizationDimension fails due to index creation (Post SQL), check the Informatica session log and confirm the same. Once you are sure from the log that the failure is due to duplicates during index creation, proceed to step 2. 2. Open SQL developer and connect to the Production datawarehouse (SO_BAW_PROD). 3. Once connected paste the contents of the embedded file in the SQL worksheet as shown below. delete from W_PARTY_ORG_D_TMP t1 where exists (select 'x' from W_PARTY_ORG_D_TMP t2 where t2.DATASOURCE_NUM_ID= t1.DATASOURCE_NUM_ID and t2.INTEGRATION_ID= t1.INTEGRATION_ID and t2.rowid > t1.rowid); create unique index W_PARTY_ORG_D_TMP_U1 on W_PARTY_ORG_D_TMP (INTEGRATION_ID,DATASOURCE_NUM_ID); commit; MERGE /*+ NO_CPU_COSTING PARALLEL APPEND */ INTO W_PARTY_ORG_D T USING (SELECT ROW_WID , GEO_WID , ACCNT_GEOSTATE_WID , ORG_NAME , MAIN_PH_NUM , ST_ADDRESS1 ,...