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OBIEE 11g - Creating Analyses and Building Dashboards

1. Creating Reports

2. Filtering, sorting, saving, Analysis.

3. Create selection steps.

Inline Filter: A Filter used in a report but not saved is called Inline Filter.

Named Filter: Filter used in report which is saved is called named filter.

In OBIEE 11g, When we logon to the Analysis, below the catalog folder(tables) in the left side we have three types of columns. They are

1. Attribute Column:It is similar to a column in a table in a relational data source. It comes from dimensional table.

2. Hierarchical Column: Here all the types of hierarchies like Level based,

3. Value based, Ragged(Unbalanced), Skip level columns will be available.

4. Measure Column: It is number column that comes from the Fact tables.

Hands On:

1. Login to the presentation services.

2. In the home page we will see the common header which we can see across the analytics which ever screen we navigate.

3. Click on New -->select Analysis.

4. Select the Subject Area --> Sample_sales lite (pre requisite is upload sample_applite rpd in to the server) and mention test catalog.

Creating an Analysis:

1. From left hand side subject area add time.per name year, Products. Brand, Base Facts .Revenue.

2. Click on results, by default data will be diaplayed in compound layout view.

3. If we are using hierarchical columns in the report, then by default data will be displayed in Pivot table view.

4. To display image in the title view select the image name and provide that in the following path: fmap:images/<Image name>.file extension. for example fmap:images/report_automotive1.jpg

5. Path for the images in OBIEE 11g is as follows:

Note: If we add a new column from results view to existing view (table)

automatically that column will be added and data will be displayed

where as once report new column is run and then if you go to criteria

and add new column, then by default that column will be added to

excluded section.

Table View:

Here we have new option.

Section steps:

1. Here it is mainly used to display the result for selected items.

2. By using selection members you can limit the number of records like a filter, but we will not create filter in criteria.


1. Add pername year, brand,revenue and click on results.

2. Select graph view(from New view) -->select Bar --> Default Vertical

3. Click editview of graph.

4. In the layout area, to display legend brand to measure labels (Var colour by)

5. If we would like to have 200M in, 200M Out option on the chart then click on Edit Graph properties.

6. From general tab -->Enable for horizontal axis, Enable for vertical axis.

Scale Markers:

Move on to the scale tab, Click on Edit scale marker --> click on add a new scale marker --> Provide caption --> Type is Line, width 5px--> position Revenue and Click on OK.

Displaying slider:

1. Drag pername year into sections.

2. Select display as slider.

3. Check in result we will find slider.

Pivot Table:

1. These are used for trend analysis.

2. It provides the ability to rotate rows, columns, section headings to obtain different perspectives of same data.

3. They are interactive in that they are drillable, expandable, navigatable, providing, the perfect vehicle for trending analysis.

Hands On:

1. Add following columns to criteria. Orders hierarchy, per name year, Revenue

2. Click on results by default data will be displayed in pivot table view.

3. Click on edit view for pivot table.

4. From the layout section arrange the rows, Columns, Measures, Sections in the following way. Under Sections add Per name year, under column section add Brand, under Orders section add order hierarchy, and under measures section add Revenue column.

5. From layout section click on more options for revenue column and select duplicate layer.

6. Select more options for duplicated column select format headings and name it as % revenue.

7. Click on OK.

8. From % revenue column, click on more options, select show data as --> percent of --> Column parent/Row Parent.

9. Click on Done.

GUID (Global Unique Identifiers):

1. In OBIEE 11g, users are recognized by their Global unique Identifiers, not by their names.

2. GUIDs are identifiers that are completely unique for a given user.

3. Using GUIDs to identify users provides a higher level of security because it ensures that data and metadata is uniquely secured for a specific user, independent of username.

Master - Detail Linking:

1. This is an extension of drilldown, Navigation.

2. So as we drill down the master, the remaining views criteria will also change depending on master.

3. "Master - detail linking" is a new type of interaction capability, extending the existing OBIEE 10g interactivity features of drill down and navigation.

4. Master detail linking allows you to click on a "Master" view to dynamically update one or more "Detail" views within the same analysis or dashboard page.

Hands On:

1. Build an analysis with following columns: Orders hierarchy, brand, per name year, revenue

2. For per name year click on more options and select column properties. Go to interaction tab, from value section, select "Master Detail Event" for the drop down of primary interaction.

3. If specify channel enter the name "Per Name Year"(It is case sensitive),(what ever name you provide here, the same name has to be provided in detailed view).

4. Click on Results.

5. Click on "New View" -->Graph --> Bar--> Vertical.

6. For the graph click on edit view, set layout as follows:

7. Under sections add Per name Year and enable the display as slider check box, add Revenue under Measures and add Brand under Groupby section.

8. Click on Edit graph properties.

9. Select listen to master detail event and provide same name you provided in master view.

10. Click on OK,Click on done.

11. Click on "Show how results look on a dashboard".

12. From master view (Pivot table) click on Per Name Year column heading and notice automatically detail view also changing.

13. Select "2009"HY2" from pivot table and notice that the slider in detailed view adjusted automatically.


1. In all the views (Master,detailed) you need to have the same column which you are identifying as a master detail event.

Hierarchical Columns:

1) Hierarchical columns in a major enhancement, extending the previous OBIEE 10g functionality that supported what we now refer to as "Attributes Columns".

2) Hierarchical columns can be identified by a "+" symbol next to dimension value.

A symmetrical Drilling:

1) One of the big difference with "Hierarchical columns compared to attribute columns is that when you "Drill" you still see the other non expanded parts of tree structure.

Note: Because of the above nature when you take hierarchy in criteria by default we get the result in pivot table view.


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