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Showing posts from June, 2014

OBIEE 11g Security

To configure security in OBIEE, use the following tools: 1. Oracle Weblogic Server Administration Console. 2. Oracle Fusion Middleware control. 3. Oracle BI Administration tool. 4. Oracle BI Presentation service. Oracle Web logic Administration: 1. you use Oracle weblogic Administration console to manage the embedded directory server that is used to authenticate users and groups. Oracle Fusion Middleware Control: 1. To create and manage application roles and application policies. Oracle BI Administration tool 1. To configure privileges in metadata. Administration page OBI Presentation Catalog: 1.To configure privileges in BI Server. In OBIEE 11g, we have following security providers. 1.Authentication Provider: a. The default authentication provider is the embedded LDAP server that is installed along with web logic server. b. The name given for that is "DEFAULT AUTHENTICATOR". This is meant for authenticating users. 2. Policy Store Provider: a. ...

Create Data Model In OBIEE Publisher

· Select new from home page and select data model. · From left hand side select data sets. · From diagram tab, click on new data set select aql query. · Provide name sales_data and select gcbc_sales as data source. · Click on query builder. · From left hand side you can select products, sales, times, stores_ragged. · Now select following columns from corresponding tables. Products.Prod_Name, products.Prod_type_desc, Products.perishable_YN, Products.prod_cat_desc. times.month_desc, stores_ragged.store_name. stores_ragged.region_name. sales.fcast_sal_amy, sales.fcast_rev_amt sales.fcast_cost_amt. · Join the columns as following: products.prod_id=sales.prod_id products.prod_id=sales....

Breif on BI Publisher

· Oracle BI Publisher can either be installed stand alone or as part of OBIEE --> Both install types use the RCU and Universal Installer. --> Both store BI Publisher scheduler tables in BI PLATFORM schema. · Installing BIP as a part of OBIEE automatically configures security. Web catalog integration, passing of credentials. · If BIP is initially installed stand alone, it can be configured for integration post install. · BIP is also delivered embedded in EBS, PSFT, Discoverer 10g/ 11g and other applications. Hands On: · Note: Use only Firefox(V.3+) · Log on to analytics --> Administration. · Click on manage BI Publisher · From data sources click on JDBC connection · Click on Add data source. ·

BI Publisher 11g

· BI publisher is used for creating print quality, Report documents that are distributed to a set of users. · Can combine relational, Xml, File, HTTP and web service data sources.(for OBIEE 10g BI Publisher desktop for templates) · Sweet spot: Excellent feature.

Creating scorecards in obiee 11g

· Score cards arrange KPIs in to hierarchies, strategies etc.., · Administrator defines objectives and initiatives and associates KPIs with them. · Visualized through strategy trees, strategy maps, Cause - and - Effect maps. · Analyzed through interactive points of view. Scorecard Perspectives: · Kaplan & Norton's balanced scorecard book suggested four perspectives: 1) Financial: The stake holders view, the financial performance of the organization. 2) Customer:How you treat your customers or other stake holders. 3) Internal Process: Efficiency of internal processes. 4) Learning and Growth: How do you sustain success over the longer time? Strategy Tree:(Most commonly Used): · A strategy tree is formed from one or more objectives. Each objective then consists of one or more child objectives or KPIs. · KPIs are used to determine the overall score of an objective, which then contribute to score of any parent objectives a...

Enabling Navigation to a Web page in OBIEE 11g

From Oracle BI and passing contextual information from Oracle BI · Build the following report: time hierarchy, Company, Revenue · From revenue column click on column properties, select interaction tab, select primary interaction as "Action links" for value. · Click on add action link(+), click on create new action select navigate to a web page.Enter the URL information as below. URL:{1}. · Click on define parameters click on add parameters in the name leave it as 1, in prompt search, in value select value as column, select column as Company. · Click on OK. · Click on conditionally, add a filter on revenue operator as greater than value as 1000000, click on OK. · Enter the link text as search in Google. Click on OK, Click on OK. · Save the analysis, Click on results. · Notice that only two records have revenue greater than 1000000, Click on revenue for "stock plus inc" and you can see...

Master detail linking in obiee 11g

1. This is an extension of drilldown, Navigation. 2. So as we drill down the master, the remaining views criteria will also change depending on master. 3. "Master - detail linking" is a new type of interaction capability, extending the existing OBIEE 10g interactivity features of drill down and navigation. 4. Master detail linking allows you to click on a "Master" view to dynamically update one or more "Detail" views within the same analysis or dashboard page. Hands On: 1. Build an analysis with following columns: Orders hierarchy, brand, per name year, revenue 2. For per name year click on more options and select column properties. Go to interaction tab, from value section, select "Master Detail Event" for the drop down of primary interaction. 3. If specify channel enter the name "Per Name Year"(It is case sensitive),(what ever name you provide here, the same name ha...


1. In OBIEE 11g, users are recognized by their Global unique Identifiers, not by their names. 2. GUIDs are identifiers that are completely unique for a given user. 3. Using GUIDs to identify users provides a higher level of security because it ensures that data and metadata is uniquely secured for a specific user, independent of username.

OBIEE 11g - Creating Analyses and Building Dashboards

1. Creating Reports 2. Filtering, sorting, saving, Analysis. 3. Create selection steps. Inline Filter: A Filter used in a report but not saved is called Inline Filter. Named Filter: Filter used in report which is saved is called named filter. In OBIEE 11g, When we logon to the Analysis, below the catalog folder(tables) in the left side we have three types of columns. They are 1. Attribute Column:It is similar to a column in a table in a relational data source. It comes from dimensional table. 2. Hierarchical Column: Here all the types of hierarchies like Level based, 3. Value based, Ragged(Unbalanced), Skip level columns will be available. 4. Measure Column: It is number column that comes from the Fact tables. Hands On: 1. Login to the presentation services. 2. In the home page we will see the common header which we can see across the analytics which ever screen we navigate. 3. Click on New -->select Analysis. 4. Selec...