Select the mapping option in mapping designer.
slowly changing dimensions |
slowly changing dimensions |
slowly changing dimensions |
slowly changing dimensions |
slowly changing dimensions |
slowly changing dimensions |
Go to wizards->slowly changing dimensions.
Select the types of SCD you want to work with.
There are 3 types of SCD
TYPE 1: Which holds only the current transaction records
TYPE 2: It holds whole history of data by
1.Date (History will be maintained by date(‘startdate,enddate’))
2.Version (History will be maintained by ‘Version number’)
3.Flag (History will be maintained by ‘flag’)
TYPE 3: It holds current and previous data.
Select source table/file and name the target table
1. Now move the source columns to logical keys and fields to compare for changes.
(i.e) 1. The key columns that will not change to logical keys fields
2. The columns that will change to the fields to compare for changes
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