The InstanceConfig.xml file is the location where you can change parameters for the OBIEE Presentation Server.
- There are many parameters that can be configured within this file.
- Please reference the Bookshelf for information on all parameters.
File location: \OracleBIdata\Web\Config\InstanceConfig.xml
1.If a new version of Java is installed and the location of the
Java SDK has changed, then the <JavaHome> parameter must be changed and
the Oracle BI Java Host service restarted.
2. In the InstanceConfig.xml file modify the <CatalogPath> parameter to point to the ‘helloworld’ catalog instead of the ‘paint’ catalog.
*Hint: reference the File Location path above for locating the InstanceConfig.xml file.
3.Restart the Oracle BI Presentation Server service and go to the c: \OracleBIData\web\catalog folder and notice what happened.
*Hint: look in the OracleBIdata\Web\catalog folder and you will see the newly created folder
4. Next, copy the “c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\day 1\Lesson 3\bicg” folder to the c:\OracleBIData\web\catalog folder.
5.Change the <CatalogPath> to point to the ‘bicg’ catalog and restart the Oracle BI Presentation Server service.
6. Login to the web front end and make sure all reports run as expected.
1) To turn off the ‘Remember Password’ on the login screen add the following parameter:
2) The following parameter is used to change the amount of time that the connection exists between the OBIEE Analytics Web server and the OBIEE
Analytics Server.<ConnectionExpireMinutes>3</ConnectionExpireMinutes>
3) To set the amount of time, in minutes, that OBIEE Analytics Web Server will wait before logging off the web browser session.<LogonExpireMinutes>180</LogonExpireMinutes>
4) The Siebel Analytics Java Host service utilizes Macromedia Flash to render charts. You can prompt users to download a more recent version of Flash by adding the <FlashCodeBase> parameter for the location of the more recent version. The prompt will appear after the web browser checks to see if the version of Flash matches the <FlashCLSID> parameter value. If not, the user will be prompted to install a newer version of Flash.
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