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How to do Database Setup in OBIEE


1. Use the preconfigured scripts that come with each server installation to quickly create the scheduler tables.

2. Common SQL scripts are located in the \OracleBI\server\Schema folder and are named as

If the s_nq_acct table is being used for usage tracking, then you must install the scheduler tables in the same schema.

If you are using Oracle Applications in conjunction with OBIEE you can create the necessary tables via the Oracle Client Configuration tool.

Job Manager Configuration

1. Once the table has been imported and the System DSN has been created complete the Job Manager Configuration.

2. When the SchedulerAdmin password is changed you must change the password in the Job Manager Configuration screen.


3. Configure the Mail tab to allow Delivers to email.

4. You can debug iBots by selecting the „debug‟ checkbox on the iBots tab. A log will be generated each time an iBots runs and will be stored under the OracleBI\Server\Log folder.


1. Use this option if you are unable to improve performance by traditional methods and "best practices.‟

2. It is easiest to let the end user determine how they‟d like to receive iBots unless the iBot was created specifically for a device.

If handling user authorization via a table in an underlying data source, use the System subject area to allow Delivers to send emails to the members of each web group. More information can be found in Technical Note 585: System Subject Area for Delivers 

OBIEE Scheduler

Job Manager Exercise – Step 1


tables have been created for you.

2) Also, a Data Source Name of „USAGE‟ has been setup as well.

Username = system

Password = system

3) Create the following user within the Administration Tool and assign this user to the "Administrators‟ group. Save the repository.

• Username = scheduleradmin

• Password = scheduler

4) Open the Job Manager by selecting Start…All Programs…Oracle Business Intelligence…Job Manager

5) Once the Job Manager opens click File…Configuration Options.

6) Configure the Scheduler tab…Database tab to match the top picture on the left. The system username and password are identical.

The Job Manager can be open from within the Administration Tool by selecting Manage…Jobs.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 2

1) Click the "General‟ tab.

2) Enter "scheduleradmin‟ for the Administrator Name.

3) Enter the scheduleradmin password of "scheduler‟.

4) Review the other tabs but do not make any additional changes.

5) Click Ok when you are done.

6) Save the repository if prompted if the Job Manager was opened via the Manage->Jobs… option.

You can debug iBots by selecting the „debug‟ checkbox on the iBots tab. 

A log will be generated each time an iBots runs and will be stored under the OracleBI\Server\Log folder.

When the SchedulerAdmin password is changed you must change the password in the Job Manager Configuration screen; otherwise, the Oracle BI Scheduler service will fail to start.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 3

Next, we need to configure the CredentialStore.xml file in order for the Oracle BI Scheduler service to communicate with the Oracle BI Presentation service.

1) Open a command prompt.

2) Enter cd c:\OracleBIData\web\config

3) Enter cryptotools credstore –add infile c:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml

4) Enter credentialstore.xml at the Credential Store File prompt.

5) Enter admin at the Credential Alias prompt.

6) Enter scheduleradmin at the Username prompt.

7) Enter scheduler as the Password prompt.

8) Enter y at the „Do you want to encrypt the password?‟ prompt.

9) Enter secret at the Passphrase for Encryption prompt.

10) Enter y at the „Do you want to write the passphrase to the xml?‟ prompt

11) Enter y to overwrite the credentialstore.xml file.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 4

1) Open the c:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml file and scroll to the bottom of the file and view the results …(right click the file and select Open With…Notepad)

2) Restart the Oracle BI Presentation Server service.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 6

3) Add the Scheduler Admin Account to the “Presentation Server Administrators” Web Group in the Presentation Administration Console:

a) Open Internet Explorer

b) In the upper right-hand corner of the screen click on Settings…Administration.

c) Click the Manage Presentation Catalog Groups and Users link.

d) Click Presentation Server Administrators to add the user to this group.

e) Click Add New Member

f) There are many users in this Presentation Catalog so we want to narrow the list of users. Enter "sched‟ in the edit box, click Show users and groups and then click Add.

g) Click Finished twice.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 7

1) Start the Oracle BI Scheduler service.

2) If you get any errors when starting check the c:\OracleBI\server\log\NQScheduler.log file and make any necessary  adjustments.
  • If you‟re stuck and not sure why the Scheduler is not working, please copy and rename the files from the „c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\day 2\Lesson 11\Final‟ folder to their respective locations. Don‟t forget to rename the files. 
    • If you copy the repository file you‟ll still need to double-check the Job Manager configuration outlined on pages 2.52 & 2.53 since this is not stored within the repository.
3) Once the Oracle BI Scheduler service has started open Internet Explorer.

Job Manager Exercise – Step 8

Creating an iBot:
  • Click on the “Delivers” link under the More Products list:

  • In Delivers click the “Create New iBot” link
  • Now you are in the iBot Overview screen
    • Click the “Delivery Content” link and then click the “Select Content” and navigate to and double click the “Bubble Chart” report. Then click the “Ok” button.
      • It is located in “My Folders”
    • Now click the “Schedule” tab and click the “Start Immediately” radio button
    • Now click the “Recipients” tab and ensure the “Me” option is selected
      • This tab is where you could assign other recipients to receive this iBot if needed
  • Now save this iBot by clicking the icon and name the iBot “Market Share iBot”
  • Now click the “Dashboard” link and then click your “My Dashboard” link and you should see the following

  • Click the “Market Share iBot” link under the Alerts! Message and the following will appear.

      Job Manager Exercise – Step 9

      Now that you have successfully ran an iBot we are going to use the Job Manager application to view the job.

      Open Job Manager:

      • Go to Start -> All Programs -> Oracle Business Intelligence-> Job Manager
      • Job Manager will open and you will need to click File -> Open Scheduler Connection
      • Once the “Machine Name” window opens you will need to type “scheduleradmin” into the Administrator Name box and “scheduler” into the Administrator Password box and click “OK”
      • This will open the Job Manager Application window
      • Now click on the “scheduleradmin” user to view the iBots that this users has ran
      • Now click on “Completed” under the All Instances -> Status menu to view things like the Status, Begin Time, etc… of the iBots which have been run.


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