Oracle BI Server NQS Configuration Settings
1.The Oracle BI Server can utilize only one rpd file at a time. Renaming the rpd file to a meaningful name helps avoid confusion over the paint.rpd name.
2.The rpd must be in the \OracleBI\server\repository folder for the Oracle BI Server to load the file
3. Copy the “c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\day 1\Lesson
file to the “c:\OracleBI\server\Repository” folder.
4. Modify the NQSConfig.ini
file to point to the bicg.rpd repository.
5. Restart the OBIEE BI Server, open Internet Explorer and login as
Username = administrator
Password = bicg
6. The default reports will
not run as expected; however, go to
Answers and create a simple report using the Paint subject area
and view the results.
1. You may elect to put
the Oracle BI Server cache file on a separate drive to increase
2. Increasing the # of
rows can decrease the performance of the cache as fewer queries can occupy the
cache at one time.
3. If you have a large
amount of disk space you may choose to increase the size
of the cache entries and the number of cache entries.
1. You may elect to sort Null
value to the top. If so, set parameter
to ON;
2. Modify the Temporary
parameters if you are experiencing performance issues and have enough memory to
accommodate changes.
3. Set this parameter to
Yes if you desire to have the username presented in uppercase.
This is important if you
are using a database to handle authorization and the
username has been entered
in uppercase.
1.Do not change this parameter
unless you are instructed to do so by Oracle.
2.If you are not going to
use the Oracle BI Server (repository) or SSO to do user authentication, then
you may specify a source for authentication.
3.Only useful if utilizing
the repository to store usernames and passwords.
If this feature is used, due to a bug in the software, the Scheduler Service will not run any iBots.
1. Increase or decrease these
numbers depending on server usage and server resource availability.
2. Don’t change this
setting without Oracle telling you to do so.
3. Keep default value as it’s a best practice to not divide by zero since this can cause errors to be returned to end users.
1.Increase or decrease
these numbers
depending on server usage and server resource availability.
2.Detail around the Usage Tracking section will be discussed further in Day 2.
3.The default size is 10
MB. When this limit is reached, the log file closes, the log file is renamed to
NQQuery.log.old, and logging resumes to a newly created NQQuery.log file.
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