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How to setup OBI EE for Single Sign-On.


Single sign-on (SSO) is a method of access control that enables a user to log-in once and gain access to the resources of multiple software systems without being prompted to log in again.




Server Variable Method


Passed from server to server via pre-defined protocols


Sending server determines protocol


Receiving OBI server only knows it's a server variable.


No configuration on OBI server regarding protocol. OBI knows to decode the input stream based on limited number of server variable protocols,  and does so automatically.


Most common example:  Windows => IIS




Cookie Method


A cookie is a file set on the clients machine containing the variable information.


It is also considered to be a secure method providing it's a session cookie.



Header Method


A header variable is passed as part of a web request.


Headers are a known security risk


Hackers intercept, modify and forward


Microsoft and others have applied code to prevent the interception and altering of headers


Consequently the header method is difficult to implement


Custom code “thread safe”?


Advantages? / Security?


OBIEE can be setup to use Single SignOn so Users are not prompted for their Username or password.Instead, The web server will use the individuals username and password utilized to login to the machine.


In our class, we will leverage IIS 6.0 as the web server.  IIS will authenticate the user and pass the username to the Oracle BI Presentation server for authorization. Oracle BI Presentation Services must first be configured to use the impersonatoradmin user so that it can establish a connection to the Oracle BI Server on behalf of the authenticated end user that issued a request to Oracle BI.

1.  Login to the Administration tool and add the following user:

 username = impersonatoradmin

 password = impersonate  

2.  Add the impersonatoradmin user to the ‘Administrators’ repository group.

Make sure you find out if there’s a minimum password length that has been setup in the NQSConfig.ini file. Unfortunately, if you don’t set the password length to the minimum you will not see the error until deep into your troubleshooting!!  In class, there’s NO minimum password length.



1.Oracle BI Presentation Services must be instructed on how to build the SSO connection string.  This is done by setting param name attributes for each of the parameters that need to be passed in the connection string in the instanceconfig.xml configuration file.  Add the following SSO block to the instanceconfig.xml file:


  <SSO enabled="true">


  <Param name="IMPERSONATE" source="serverVariable“






2.  In addition, the Presentation Service needs to authenticate with the

BI Server so we add the following entry.  The configuration of the

credentialstore.xml file will be completed on Step 6:


<CredentialStorage type="file" path=“c:\OracleBIData\web




3.  The bolded text from steps 1 & 2 has been placed in the file (c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\Day 1\Lesson 5\Excr 5 – SSO InstanceConfig Changes.txt) and should be copied into the instanceconfig.xml file as indicated below.   


Credentials and secrets may be stored in a file system store that is an XML file. The syntax of this file is defined by BI Presentation Services.  The XML file contains nodes that point to files on disk for certificates and private keys.  The file may also contain username and password based credentials, with optional encryption support for passwords.  A default XML file store called credentialstore.xml is provided with BI Presentation Services.


Next, we need to configure the CredentialStore.xml file in order for the Oracle BI Presentation service to communicate with the Oracle BI Server service for SSO.


1)  Open a command prompt.

2)  Enter cd c:\OracleBIData\web\config

3)  Enter cryptotools credstore –add infile c:\OracleBIData\web \config\credentialstore.xml

4)  Enter credentialstore.xml at the Credential Store File prompt.

5)  Enter impersonation at the Credential Alias prompt.

6)  Enter impersonatoradmin at the Username prompt.

7)  Enter impersonate as the Password prompt.

8)  Enter y at the ‘Do you want to encrypt the password?’ prompt.

9)  Enter secret at the Passphrase for Encryption prompt.

10)  Enter y at the ‘Do you want to write the passphrase to the xml?’ prompt

11)Enter y to overwrite the credentialstore.xml file


1)  Open the c:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml file and scroll to the bottom of the file …(right click the file and Open With…Notepad)


2)  Restart the Oracle BI Presentation Server services.


Since IIS will be handling the authentication of each user and passing the subsequent username to OBI for authorization, we need to setup IIS to perform the authentication step.  


1)  Open the IIS Manager (there’s an icon on your desktop) and perform steps 2-6 as indicated below.  Click OK twice when completed.  



The jdoe (John Doe) user has been added to the repository and has been setup with a Windows account.

• jdoe will be used to test SSO.


1. Logoff of your virtual server


2. Select the following option on the Virtual Server Welcome Screen to logon on the virtual server:

3. Open Internet Explorer and you should not need to enter a username and password.  If you are not automatically logged in, please continue to the next page for further troubleshooting.


If you receive a picture similar to the one at the bottom of this page, you’ll need to troubleshoot the SSO configuration.


1.  Walk through the previous SSO pages in this manual to make sure all

steps were followed and are accurate.


2.  If you’re stuck and not sure why SSO is not working, please copy and rename the files from the ‘c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\day 1\Lesson 5\Final’ folder to their respective location.  Don’t forget to rename the files.


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