Database Setup
Use the preconfigured scripts that come with each server installation to quickly create the usage tracking table.
Common SQL scripts are located in the \OracleBI\server\Schema folder and are named as
The option
exists to not directly insert records into a database table and have the
information collect in flat files on the Oracle BI Server. A „best practice‟ is
to directly insert the records into the database.
A Usage
Tracking „best practice‟ is to create the s_nq_acct table in its own schema in
the underlying database. This will allow your DBA‟s to isolate the Oracle BI
Server writing to the database.
Metadata Configuration
Once the table has been imported and the second connection pool has been created, test to make sure each connection pool is functioning correctly.
A "best practice‟ is to create two connection pools when reporting against the usage tracking table. One connection for the server to insert data and another to report on the table.
File Configuration
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