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How to do an Installation of OBIEE in Linux



For successful Oracle BI Server operations under Linux operating systems, please check the following before installing OBIEE:


Ø   If you are installing the Basic option (OBI without integrating into OAS), JD1.5.0 must be installed before Oracle BI.


Ø   For a list of commonly used Unix/Linux commands please visit the link belfrom




Ø  If you are installing the Advanced option, Oracle Application Server 10.1.3.or greater must be installed before Oracle BI. 


v   Make a note of the OAS installation path since you’ll need it during tOBI installation.


v   You will need to oc4jadmin password for the OBI installation as well


Ø   For running Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI Presentation Services, set thefollowing parameters:


§   File handle limit: at least 10240 For example: ulimit -n 10240


§   File-descriptor: at least 10240


To discover the file-descriptor settings, run the command ulimit Or set file-descriptor using the command ulimit -n 10240


      NOTE: This requires root or administrator access.

Ø   Use Version 3.4.3 with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) C++ runtime

version 3.4.3 or higher libraries installed before installing Oracle Business



Ø   The library name must be


•   The package name can be queried using the following command:

rpm -q libstdc++ -l


Ø   The output must include


Ø   For Red Hat: Run X server locally on desktop with the display from Linux

machine exported to that desktop.


Ø   For Red Hat: The version of Java at /usr/lib/java must be removed or

renamed before installing Oracle BI, in order for the charting server to be

installed successfully.


 NOTE: This requires root or administrator access.


Ø   When downloading the Linux version of OBI, the {OBI filename}.cpio

should be extracted to the same level of the directory hierarchy where OBI will

be installed.  For example, if you’re installing OBI into the /opt/oracle/product

directory then the cpio file should be extracted to the /opt/oracle/product



Ø  To extract the contents of the cpio file enter the following command:

 cpio –idmcv <  {OBI filename}.cpio 


Ø   Database connectivity software that Oracle BI servers use to connect to the

database.  For example, if the Oracle BI Server is to access an Oracle

Database, install the Oracle 10g client.  If the Oracle BI Server is to access MS

SQL Server database, install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).


To run the Oracle BI Installer under Linux:


Console Mode


1. Change directory to the installation directory.


2. To run the installer in console (or text) mode, use the following command:

./ –console


NOTE: In console (or text) mode installation, you enter input as plain text

in the terminal window when prompted. You do not see dialog screens,

and therefore you do not need to set the DISPLAY variable.


5. Provide the requested input for each screen.  Inputs are the same as the

Window installation inputs detailed at the beginning of this Lesson.

Display (Graphics) Mode


1. Make sure that you have set the DISPLAY environment variable.


2. Change directory to the installation directory.


3. To run the installer in graphics mode, use the following command:



4. The InstallShield window appears and prompts you through each screen.

NOTE: The particular screens or prompts that are visible are dependent

on the installation type and the components you choose in the Setup

Type screen.  Inputs are the same as the Window installation inputs

detailed at the beginning of this Lesson.


The repository (.rpd) file can be created and modified only using the Oracle Business

Intelligence Administration Tool, which is available only for Windows operating systems.


The scripts below should be started in ascending sequence in order to ensure

OBIEE is properly started.  When stopping OBI the scripts below should be

stopped in descending order.  

Scripts are found under the {Install directory}/OracleBI/setup/ folder. 


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