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Showing posts from July, 2021

How to do perform troubleshooting in OBIEE

  Troubleshooting Services Service = Oracle BI Java Host 1. Oracle BI Java Host service is not running, check Services. 2. Important for initial installation for OBIEE servers. Can be turned back to original settings after OBIEE installation. Before you install the OBIEE software on a Windows 2003 server make sure you "Turn on Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for essential Windows programs and services only.‟ This located on the Advanced tab of the System Properties. In addition, install the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 1) Experiment with stopping the Oracle BI Java Host service and running a report with a chart. 2) Locate where to change the DEP settings. 1. If the location of the Java SDK folder location changes or is renamed while the Oracle BI Java Host is running it will have no impact. Only after the service is restarted will Analytics notice the change. 2. The instanceconfig.xml fil...

How to use the Catalog Manager in OBIEE

  Catalog Manager The Catalog Manager allows you to open catalogs across your OBIEE enterprise. Only the individuals within your organization should be given the ability to access the web catalog in an online mode as this reduces the chance of accidents! 1. This will be your largest and most complex folder within the webcat since it will grow as your deployment of OBIEE dashboards, reports and prompts grows. Understanding the folder structures will help when migrating items between webcats. 2. Every user that has ever logged into Oracle BI Presentation Server will have a folder under the „users‟ folder. This folder remains even after the user no longer has access to OBIEE. The data amount associated with an individual‟s „user‟ folder is minor unless they have stored many, many reports under their „My Folders‟ ManagerWhile having access to the Catalog Manager you have the option to set permissions on individual options via their properties, a “Best Practice” is to apply object secur...

How to do Database Setup in OBIEE

  1. Use the preconfigured scripts that come with each server installation to quickly create the scheduler tables. 2. Common SQL scripts are located in the \OracleBI\server\Schema folder and are named as If the s_nq_acct table is being used for usage tracking, then you must install the scheduler tables in the same schema. If you are using Oracle Applications in conjunction with OBIEE you can create the necessary tables via the Oracle Client Configuration tool. Job Manager Configuration 1. Once the table has been imported and the System DSN has been created complete the Job Manager Configuration. 2. When the SchedulerAdmin password is changed you must change the password in the Job Manager Configuration screen.   3. Configure the Mail tab to allow Delivers to email. 4. You can debug iBots by selecting the „debug‟ checkbox on the iBots tab. A log will be generated each time an iBots runs and will be stored under the OracleBI\Server\Log folder. Delivers 1. Use this...

How to do implementation/migration plans reduce migration time in OBIEE

  Web Catalog Migration Plan PlanDevelopers must remember to track their Web Catalog changes as they are developing and NOT after they have completed development. It is much too easy to forget to migrate an object if you do not keep track of the change as you were making the change. For example, the above columns can be used by Excel to track Web Catalog changes. Not all columns are necessary for tracking your changes but they can be removed before sending your migration request to the person responsible for migrations. Repository Migration Plan Keeping track of individual changes helps the team to determine if all layers of a repository should be migrated or manually recreate the changes in the next environment. In addition, this type of document will help track what changes have been made and have not. Sound familiar? Developers must remember to track their Repository changes as they are developing and NOT after they have completed development. It is much too easy to forget to mi...

How to install Briefing Book Reader and create a Briefing Book in OBIEE

  Briefing Book Reader Reader Installation 1) Navigate to the following folder: c:\OBIEE Files\Lessons\Day 1\Lesson 2\OBIEE\Windows\Client_Ancillary\Oracle_Business_ Intelligence_Breifing_Book_Reader. 2) Double-click Setup.exe to begin the BBR installation. 3) Choose the default destination folder for the location of the installation files. 4) Click Next to continue 5) You will then receive a message to notify you of the location of the installation and the total size as shown above. Click Next to continue. 6) The installation will begin and a progress bar will be shown. When installation is complete, you will see the message shown below. Click Finish to exit the wizard Creating a Briefing Book Next, we will create a new briefing book in order to test the newly installed Reader. 1) Logged in as Administrator, go to the default dashboard and click the Add to Briefing Book link below the Region Summary request. 2) When the Save Briefing Book C...

How to do Usage Tracking in OBIEE

  Database Setup Use the preconfigured scripts that come with each server installation to quickly create the usage tracking table. Common SQL scripts are located in the \OracleBI\server\Schema folder and are named as The option exists to not directly insert records into a database table and have the information collect in flat files on the Oracle BI Server. A „best practice‟ is to directly insert the records into the database. A Usage Tracking „best practice‟ is to create the s_nq_acct table in its own schema in the underlying database. This will allow your DBA‟s to isolate the Oracle BI Server writing to the database. Metadata Configuration  Once the table has been imported and the second connection pool has been created, test to make sure each connection pool is functioning correctly. A "best practice‟ is to create two connection pools when reporting against the usage tracking table. One connection for the server to insert data and another to report on the tabl...