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Scorecard in obiee 11g

Score Card in OBIEE 11g

Score Card
Monitor and manage strategy Performance of the organization from the top to bottom.

Progress and performance over a time of period of an organization.

Balanced Score Card
Some of the Organization focusing on financial related strategies as traditionally.

Some of the perspectives are customer, internal processes, Financial, Learning and growth.

To define the strategy of the organization they ensure all these perspectives.

Which is used to find the financial measures it helps the financial management people to know strategy of organizational performance.

This is used to find the customer point of view to know the strategy performance.

Internal Process
Internal process is used to identify the measures by all level in organization.

Learning and Growth
It is used to identify the measure according to that finds the way to improve the performance.

Steps to Create Score Card
1.      Click New Γ under Performance Management go to Γ  Score Card
2.      Give the name for the score card and set the location where it has to save.

3.      A new screen with score card overview will get display.

4.      Create a new strategy objective, go to left side pane and in the top you will find strategy, click new to create a strategy and assign name and location.

5.      In analysis tab we have score details, children details, Descendants details.

Score - This is used to define the value of the KPI which included in the analytics
Children – it is used to display the status of the analytics
Descendants – Perspective type, assessment formula, Indicator type.
Actions – it is used to link some reports or dashboards or any other links from the score card.

Perspective can represent the key stack holders in the organization.
It is the category to associate initiatives, objectives, and KPI’s

Perspective types:
ΓΌ  Internal Process- Support the corporate by internally for performance management strategy using the internal policies and procedures.
ΓΌ  Financials – support the corporate for development of organization
ΓΌ  Customers – Client support to improve the performance of the organization
ΓΌ  Learning & growth – It supports the employee training to develop organization status.

Assessment Formula:
 It is used to set the rule for performance of initiative or objective.

Worst case: specify that the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective is to be used.

Best Case: Specify the status of the best performing Child KPI and Objective used.

Most Frequent (Worst Case): If the performance of half of child KPI has High performance and low performance in that situation can use Most Frequent (worst case) for worst performance strategy.

Most Frequent (Best Case): If the performance of half of child KPI has High performance and low performance in that situation can use Most Frequent (Best case) for Best performance strategy.

Weighted:  Specifies to use a weighted average based on the weights you have assigned to the child KPIs and objectives.

Indicator types:

1.      Leading – it will indicate the performance of objectives drives the other objectives.
For Example: It drives the value which is higher and gives more performance.

2.      Lagging – It will indicate whether it is affected by the performance of other objectives or other data process.

6.      Go to Actions Tab in right side of the analytics.
Click the  to add the Dashboard or Report or links. An action link dialogue box will get display if the state equals to ok then take the action.
Click the action button to add the contents, options are

Navigate to BI Content – It is used to navigate the link to any of the reports and dashboards.

Navigate to a page – It is used to navigate the link to any of the web sites.

Invoke a web service – It is used to invoke an information and link to some of URL.

Invoke a java method - It is used to invoke java code to link to some other documents.

Invoke a browser script – According to parameters it is used to link to some url through the browser and conditional parameters.

Invoke a HTTP Request – It is used to invoke a request and then it will send it to the http request.
Here I am using “Navigate to BI Content” to have link to Dashboards.
Click on Navigate to BI Content, select the dashboard and click ok.
Give some link text name and click ok.
7.      Objectives & KPI’s
Add the KPI’s to this objectives, by clicking objects Γ  Add KPI
            Select the KPI which you had already created and check the prompted values and click ok.

Do the same for all the other KPI’s and check in the Objectives & KPI’s List.
 Once check in the strategy, whether all the Objects are added or not and save it.

Initiatives support objectives and KPI’s tasks. By the time specific conditions it will execute the above created Objectives and KPIs to know about the organization strategy.
An initiative will support more than one objective these are depending on KPI’s.
Initiatives that you create are displayed hierarchically in the "Initiatives pane". The root initiative represents all the initiatives that you implement to achieve objectives and goals. The KPIs that are assigned to an initiative are displayed below the initiative in the Initiatives pane.
Initiative pane which shows the status of the objectives.
It contains the start date, Due Date, Completion date to run the objectives by scheduling time.

Steps to Implement Initiative:

In analytics tab you have the option of scheduling the initiative, Analytics status, Children status, Descendants, actions.
1.      Give the name for the new objective and assign the scheduling time.
2.      Check the status of KPI’s in children tab.
3.      Assign the perspective for the KPI’s, perspective types are discussed above.
4.      Add the action content to have link in the initiatives KPI reports.
5.      Action setup is discussed above already.

Initiatives & KPI’s
1.      Add new KPI’s to the initiative by clicking on objects you will find Add KPI.
2.      Select the location of KPI already saved in the catalog.

3.      Check whether the KPIs are added to initiative and its status

4.      In the Collaboration tab you can add the comments and related documents.

5.      Check the status of initiative on the left side pane whether the KPI’s are added to it.

Score Card Documents:
Score card documents which I used to know the strategy details of organization by various or individual departments.

Objects of score card Documents:
1.      Create New Folder
2.      Create Cause & effect map
3.      Create custom view
4.      Create KPI
5.      Create mission
6.      Create strategy map
7.      Create strategy tree
8.      Create vision
9.      Create KPI watch list

Steps to Implement Score card Documents and Objects:
1.      Create new folder
It is used to create a new folder under that you can add other objects of score card for the individual organizational departments.
On the left side pane go to Score card documents and click on new you will have the list under that select “Create New Folder”.

2.      Create Cause & Effect Map

A cause and effect map also indicates the proportionality (that is, whether changes in performance or value in the cause and effect relationship are directly proportional (direct) or inversely proportional (inverse) and strength (strong, moderate, or weak) of cause & effect relationships using symbols.
A cause & effect map helps you to better understand the implications of future Strategic changes.
On the Left side pane, go to Score card documents and click new and select create cause and effect map icon.

            Drag and drop the KPIs from the catalog.
Right click on the KPI under strategy then click on to see “View Cause and Effect map” then you can see the relationship between the KPI’s.
            Can check the status of Linkage between the strategies, by right click on the link go to edit “Casual Linkage”.
Some of the details or information about the link will get display.
The Link can‘t be done while using “create Cause & Effect Map”. It will be created when “Strategy Map”.

Create Custom view:

It is used to make the strategy in a form of diagram view with hierarchy.
Drag and drop the KPIs from strategy or catalog.
Options under the custom view KPIs are Actions, Add related Strategy nodes, remove from diagram, open, Add comment, override status.

Action Link which is used to link the dashboard, reports, URL from the scorecard.

If you want remove the strategy from the diagram, you can click on “remove from diagram”.

Open is to use for modify or check the status of the KPI.

Add comment is used to give the comment of the KPI diagram.

If the KPI status is in warning or critical you can change the status by using this option “override Status”.

Check the custom view diagram after drag and dropped from catalog.
Save the diagram.
You can zoom in and zoom out the diagram by using the symbol on the top.
Display as: Full- which shows the information about the KPI in a short format.
Simple: only the KPI name and its status will get display
Name which shows only the name of the kpi in the diagram and not even the status.
View types are: Name, Icon, status, trend, value, target, variance, % variance, change, and % change


  1. Hi,

    Very systematic way of scorecard development. Thanks for the same.

    Can you let me know if the collaboration pane works. It doesnt for me. Any idea what could be the reason.

  2. It's really an informative and well described post. I appreciate your topic for blogging. Thanks for sharing such a useful post.
    Online Strategy Games

  3. Nice article. I am particularly interested in the custom view as it opens up new possibilities of visualizations. I can not find any documentation on how to specify the background image in the custom view properties. The standard fmap syntax does not seem to work. Can you please highlight how you specified the background image URL?


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