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Top 88 ODI Interview Questions

ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) Interview Question

My friends has attended ODI (Oracle data integrator) interview in few companies, I am posting here those question companies wise

ODI interview attended by Siva in Accenture, Bangalore.

1) What is the history of ODI?

2) What are the types of Knowledge Modules?

3) What are the types of data contol?

4) What is Journalization and why we are using in ODI?

5) Tell me step by step to enable Journalization?

6) What is An Interface ?

7) What is temporary Interface( Yellow Interface) ?

8) Tell me some differences between ODI 10g and ODI 11g?

9) Tell what are the ODI tools have u used in your project?

10) What are the Types of repositories in ODI?

11) Can i create more than one Master Repository in ODI?

12) What is a scenario in odi?

13) What is load plan and types of load plans in ODI?

14) What is CKM and when we will use this CKM?

15) What is SKM and when we will use this SKM?

16) What is package and main advantages?

17) Differences between package and loadplans?

18) How to load data from multiple files to single target?

19) How to load data from file to file and what are the KM's required for this requirement?

20) how to pass a variable more than one values?

21) What is an agent and What are the types of agents?

22) What is StandAlone Agent and default port number?

23) What is J2EE Agent and port number?

24) What is the use solutions?

25) What is flexfileds and use of flexfileds in odi?

26) What is CDC and explain complete CDC process flow?

27) What are the types of profiles in ODI?

28) What are the types of Generic profiles types in ODI?

29) Which profile required to access Models in Designer tool?

30) Which profile required to access solution in Designer tool?

31) Which profile required to access ODI Console?

32) What is ODI console?

33) What are types of LOG LEVELS in ODI?

34) What is the use of Markers?

35) What is memo?

36) How to move objects from DEV to QA and QA to PROD Environments?

ODI Interview attended by Hari in Hexaware, Chennai.
1. Oracle Data Integrator Interview Questions and answers?

2. What is Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)? 

3. Explain what is ODI?why is it different from the other ETL tools.

4. What is E-LT? Or What is the difference between ODI and other ETL Tools? 

5. Components of Oracle Data Integrator?

6. What systems can ODI extract and load data into?

7. What are Knowledge Modules?

8. Does my ODI infrastructure require an Oracle database?

9. Does ODI support web services?

10. what is the ODI Console? 

11. suppose I having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run remaining interfaces?

12. what is load plans and types of load plans?

13. what is profile in ODI?

14. How to write the sub-queries in ODI?

15. How to remove the duplicate in ODI?

16. Suppose having unique and duplicate but i want to load unique record one table and duplicates one table?
17. how to implement data validations?
18. How to handle exceptions?

19. In the package one interface got failed how to know which interface got failed if we no access to operator?

20. How to implement the logic in procedures if the source side data deleted that will reflect the target side table?

21. If the Source have total 15 records with 2 records are updated and 3 records are newly inserted at the target side we have to load the newly changed and inserted records

23. Can we implement package in package?

24. what we specify the in XML data server and parameters for to connect to xml file?
ODI Interview attended by Anoop Philip  in Seventhsense Technology, Chennai.

1.What is Memos?

2.What is Sequences?

3.What is Session?

4.What is Session Tasks?

5.What are Knowledge Modules?

6.Does ODI support web services?

7.what is the ODI Console?

8.what is load plans and types of load plans?

9.what is profile in ODI?

10. How to write the sub-queries in ODI?

11.How to remove the duplicate in ODI? 

12. Suppose having unique and duplicate but i want to load unique record one table and duplicates one table? to implement data validations?

14.How to handle exceptions?
15.In the package one interface got failed how to know which interface got failed if we no access to operator?
16. How to implement the logic in procedures if the source side data deleted that will reflect the target side table?

17.Can we implement package in package?

18.How to load the data with one flat file and one RDBMS table using joins?

19. How to reverse engineer views(how to load the data from views)?

20.What systems can ODI extract and load data into?

21. what is load plans and types of load plans?

22. what is the odi console? to write the sub queries in odi?

24.suppose i having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run remaining interfaces?

25. how to remove the duplicate in odi?

26. suppose having unique and duplicate but i want to load unique record one table and duplicates one table?

27. how to write the procedures in odi? 

28. suppose I having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run remaining interfaces?


  1. Tanq u very much..could u plz provide scenarios with answers

  2. Thanks for proving this oracle data integrator (ODI) interview questions. I was looking for this from long time. Thanks kashif.

  3. Awesome interview questions great stuff thanks for sharing...!

  4. Thanks to all who contributed. Thanks.


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