HFM1: 1.how to set the dimention in hfm? 2.how many types of account? 3.wat is mean value dimention? 4.where the translation ll be done?-& 5.wat is mean switchsignflow and switchsigntype? 6.wat is mean ICP? 7.how to set icp? if set Y means wat? N means wat? R means wat? 8.wat is mean by plugaccount? 9.how many types of rule? 10.descripe elimination rule?-& 11.wat mean by review process in hfm?-& 12.how to enable process management in hfm?-& FDQM: 1.wat is mean by validation rule and how to set?-& 2.if I want to 10 location means how to mapping?-& 3.how to import in fdqm? Smartview: 1.How to connect the source with smartview? 2.do u know infrastructure in HFM? 3.HFM architechture? HFM2: 1.account type:balace and balancerecurring? 2.if we change currency in entity means wat we ll do in appl?-& 3.how to set ICP? 4.define value and period dimension? 5.how to enable data audit?-& 6.explain organisati...