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Showing posts from July, 2013

Hyperion financial management Interview question

HFM1: to set the dimention in hfm? many types of account? 3.wat is mean value dimention? 4.where the translation ll be done?-& 5.wat is mean switchsignflow and switchsigntype? 6.wat is mean ICP? to set icp? if set Y means wat? N means wat? R means wat? 8.wat is mean by plugaccount? many types of rule? 10.descripe elimination rule?-& 11.wat mean by review process in hfm?-& to enable process management in hfm?-& FDQM: 1.wat is mean by validation rule and how to set?-& 2.if I want to 10 location means how to mapping?-& to import in fdqm? Smartview: 1.How to connect the source with smartview? u know infrastructure in HFM? 3.HFM architechture? HFM2: 1.account type:balace and balancerecurring? 2.if we change currency in entity means wat we ll do in appl?-& to set ICP? 4.define value and period dimension? to enable data audit?-& 6.explain organisati...

To Drop Tablespace in oracle

SQL> drop tablespace kk including contents; Tablespace dropped. SQL> SQL> select username from dba_users: It will display all the username in the DB SQL> select name from v$database; NAME ORCL It will display the DB name Sql> select count(*) from user_objects; It will display all the objects in that schema.

Export command in oracle

C:\> exp <username>/<password> file=<filename.dmp> log=<logname.log> C:\>exp kk/kk file=kk.dmp log=kk.log Export: Release - Production on Thu Oct 20 20:50:23 2005 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting foreign function library names for user KK . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms . exporting private type synonyms . exporting object type definitions for user KK About to export KK's objects ... . exporting database links . exporting sequence numbers . exporting cluster definitions . about to export KK's tables via Conventional Path ... . exporting synonyms . exporting views . exportin...

Import command in oracle

C:\>imp <username>/<password> file=<dumpname.dmp> log=<logfilename.log> full=y C:\>imp kk/kk file=kk.dmp log=kkimp.log full=y • C:\>imp <username>/<password> file=<dumpname.dmp> log=<logfilename.log> fromuser=<fromusername> touser=<tousername> • Before import we need to check the tablespace free space. SYSTEM -200M INDX -100M DEFAULT TABLESPACE (ORION) - C:\>imp kk/kk file=kk.dmp log=kkimp.log fromuser=surya touser=kk Imp…… Imp……. Import completed successfully with warnings. After Import Connect to the Respective DB user C:\>sqlplus Enter username: kk/kk SQL>@c:\compile – it will compile all the Invalid objects run the compile script atlease 4 times.

To create Database user in Oracle

To create DB user SQL> create user <username> identified by <password> default tablespace <Tablespace Name> Temporary tablespace <Temporary tablespace name>; SQL> create user kk identified by kk default tablespace kk temporary tablespace temp; User created. SQL> SQL> show user; USER is "SYS" SQL> Sql> grant create session,imp_full_database to <user name> SQL> grant create session,imp_full_database to kk; Grant succeeded. SQL> alter user kk quota unlimited on <username>; SQL> alter user kk quota unlimited on kk; User altered. SQL>exit

Types of Fact Tables in Datawarehouse

There are 3 types of fact tables in data warehouse 1. Transactional  2. Periodic Snapshot 3. Accumulating  snapshot Transactional Fact Table :   1. Transactional fact table will be in detailed level. 2. It will have each line of transaction. Example : each line of sale and invoice. 3. Transactional fact table has so detailed level data, so it will be have all the dimensional assisted with it Periodic Snapshot Fact table: 1. Periodic snapshot fact table will have information by time to time. 2. Consider you want  the information of growth of sales  information of an organisation for a particular region last month compare to this month. Then you will need  periodic snapshot fact table. 3. Periodic snapshot fact table will depend upon transactional fact table as it need a detail held in transactional fact table related to region sales of an organisation. Accumulating  snapshot Fact table: 1. ...


Below diagram describes the standard logical architecture of Oracle business intelligence 11g system The entire system architecture is called BI Domain, this BI Domain divided into Java components and non-Java components. Java components are weblogic server Domain components and non-java components are Oracle BI system components. Weblogic Server Domain This domain consists of Managed server and Admin Server. These services comprises mainly with all the java modules to trigger the java services. Admin Server : A JEE container that runs in a dedicated Java virtual machine that contains Java components for administering the system .It typically trigger the start, stop kind of admin activity for his peer Manager server processes. Managed Server :A JEE container that runs in a dedicated Java virtual machine that provides the run-time environment for the Java-based services and applications within the system. The services comprises of BI plug-in, Security, publisher, SOA, BI Offic...

Protect your data warehouse

How to protect your datawarehouse  While many used data warehouses to gain access to information and analysis, and some companies want to put restrictions on the type of information that can be accessed factor. While there are some advantages in doing so, there are also some disadvantages as well. Overall, the company does not put emphasis on security even after it has been building a data warehouse. Before setting up a security system to store your data, it is first important to understand what is the function of the data warehouse is being designed for your. If most of the people who use the data warehouse will not be considered in the background reports, you will need to establish a security system that can accommodate that. While you want to take some security measures, it is important to make sure you do not add too much. When you set up a security system for your data warehouse, there are three areas you want to pay attention to, and this is analytical, consolid...

How to build DataWarehouse

And the structure of the data warehouse consists of elements and components that make up the database. Structure will show how the components work together, and can also show how the database will grow over a certain period of time. While each has a data warehouse structure, and only a few of them a high degree of organization. It is important to note that the data warehouse with the structure of the organization is the most likely to succeed. A data warehouse without the presence of the structure of the organization not be as flexible as it should be. In the absence of good faith, there would be no contacts, they will become difficult to maintain database. If the company aspires to compete successfully, it is necessary to design the structure of a data warehouse that is highly organized and efficient-A "blue print" to make sure they are properly designed. Must be the definition of all the components, and show how the system will grow as they are used. Thus, it is imp...

Strategies for designing a data warehouse

To build an effective data warehouse, it is important for you to understand the design principles of the data warehouse. If you do not build your data warehouse correctly, you can run into a number of different problems. Based on the correct ways to build a strong data warehouse information technology tactics. First, it is important that you and your organization understand the importance of having a data warehouse. If workers feel that the data warehouse is necessary, they may not be used, and this can cause conflicts. Everyone in your organization must understand the importance of using the system. After you've got your colleagues behind the concept of the use of the data warehouse, you will need to focus next on the integrity of the data. You will need to avoid designing a data warehouse that will load the data is inconsistent. It is also important to avoid creating a database that will replicate data. Should be the goal of your organization be to integrate the data ...

Methods of DataWarehouse

Most organizations agree that data warehouses are a useful tool. They benefit from the ability to store and analyze the data, and this can allow them to make sound business decisions. It is also important for them to ensure proper dissemination of information, and it should be easy to access by people who are responsible for making decisions. There are two elements that make up a data warehouse environment, and this is a supply and staging. It can also be known as a staging area acquisitions. It consists of ETL processes, and once the data has been prepared, it will be sent to the display area. When data is placed within the display area, a number of programs analysis and consideration. While many organizations agree on the overall goal of data warehouses, may approach to build these institutions vary. Try to use data clusters alone is not a good approach, because they are oriented departments. In addition, we will try to use data clusters alone are ineffective, and it will...

Requirements For Data Warehouses

There are some requirements that companies need to meet if they wish to use data warehouses effectively. When first introduced data warehouses in the 1990s, and developed many companies to focus on identifying the data warehouse in the system, which was distinct from the standard operating system. This view was shared by many of the companies, and also seen in the data warehouse from being a centralized data that are operational. However, over the past decade, many of the companies were to change their views on how they perceive data warehouses. In the 1990s was a decade of trial and error. While there are many successes, there have been many failures. One of the things that will improve the data warehouse industry is to increase the processing power of the computer. The technology also has advanced to the point where OLAP engines can focus on pulling data rather than placed in a data warehouse. It should also be noted that the field of dimensional modeling has greatly improv...

Issues in Data warehousing

There are some issues surrounding data warehouses that companies need to be prepared for. The failure to prepare for these issues is one of the main reasons why many of the data warehouse project is unsuccessful. One of the first issues companies need to face is that they are going to spend a considerable amount of time loading and cleaning the data. Some experts said that the typical data warehouse project will require companies to spend 80% of their time doing so. While the percentage may or may not be as high as 80%, the only thing you must realize is that most sellers reduce the amount of time you'll have to spend to do so. While cleaning can be complicated data, and extract it can be more difficult. No matter how well a company is preparing to manage the project, and we must face the fact that the scope of the project is likely to be longer then they estimate. While most of the projects will start with the specified requirements, and will conclude with the data. On...

Rules of Datawarehouse

Once the company has successfully carried out their own data warehouse, it is important for them to establish rules and regulations to be used. While different companies will have different rules when it comes to dealing with their own data warehouses, they are some general principles that you will need to pay attention to. These principles not only make using your own data warehouse easier, but also allow the organization to be used much more efficiently. Very first rule of thumb is to realize that data warehouses are a challenge to use. And many experts say that at least 30% of the information you give may not be consistent. One of the most problematic things about this is that the company may not notice the error if they are dealing with an operational unit to be based on the transaction. In spite of this, we should not allow this error rate in the data warehouse. When you consider the fact that many of the stores data on a large-scale can cost millions of dollars to purch...

Data warehouse tools

There are a number of important tools that are related to data warehouses, and one of these is the data collection. Data warehouse can be designed to store information on the basis of a certain level of detail. For example, you can store data on a per-transaction basis, or you can store it on the basis of a summary. These are examples of data collection. When the data is summarized, and queries are moving at a much faster rate. However, some information may be lost during the query, and this could be important information in order to solve a specific problem. Before you decide which one you will use, it is important to weigh your options carefully. Once you have carried out an operation, you will need to rebuild the warehouse in order to undo it. The best way to deal with this situation is to make sure the data warehouse is created with a large amount of details. However, the cost of this can be huge depending on the storage options you choose. Once you have filled you...

Datawarehouse Disadvantages

Many of the vendors spend a great deal of time talking about the advantages of data warehouses, and why companies need them if they wish to survive in the global market. While there is a degree of truth in the statements made by many vendors, it is important for companies to realize that data warehouses are not a panacea, and find a solution to all the problems you will encounter the company. To be able to maximize the efficiency of the data warehouse requires the company to look at it from multiple perspectives, and that includes those that are both positive and negative. The ultimate goal of the data warehouse system for storing historical information about the transactions of the company, and provide these إينفورمتين in a way that will allow the business to make important decisions. However, these data do not constitute only a small part of the information that it needs to operate, and its value, but may be limited. In some cases, the end user does not have a strong inte...

Datawarehouse Benfits

There are a number of reasons why many large companies have spent large sums of money implementing data warehouses. Favor of the most basic use of data warehouses is that they store information can be found in such a way that it allows the business to make important decisions. Instead of looking to the organization where it includes departments, data warehouses allows businessmen to look at the company as a whole. Another benefit of data warehouses is the ability to deal with the functions of a server connected to the query that is not used by most systems deal. The vast majority of companies want to develop transactional systems so there is a good chance that these are completed transactions within a time frame desirable. The biggest problem with the reports and queries is that these entities can reduce the chances of a deal being made in a good time frame. Should also be emphasized that the reports that run on the server by trading systems, it can be very difficult. Because of th...

Difference Between Datawarehouse and Database

What is the difference between Datawarehouse and Database? There are a number of fundamental differences that separate the data warehouse from a database. The biggest difference between the two is that most databases put the focus on a single application, and this application will be one based on transactions. If the data were analyzed, and will be done within one area, but many areas are not uncommon. Some of separate modules that can be included within the database include salaries or stock. Each system will have to put the focus on a single theme, and it will not deal with other areas. In contrast, data warehouses dealing with multiple domains simultaneously. Because it deals with multiple subject areas, the data warehouse to find connections between them. This allows the data warehouse to show how the performance of the company as a whole, not in individual areas. Another aspect of data warehouses strong is its ability to support the analysis of trends. They are not...


Steps for applying patch OBIEE 1.        Download the list  of patches as in zip format 1.1    15959887 1.2    15959877 1.3    15929063 1.4    15959899 1.5    15959861 1.6    15894670 1.7    15959917 2.        Extract the zip files in the folder d:\obiee11g\oracle_BI1 (Just extract the folders where we installed the oracle bi 11g\Oracle_BI1) 3.        Clear the files in the catalogmanager binary cache. (Obiee11g\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\web\catalogmanager\configuration\..) Remove the files “org.eclipse.osg, org”, “”. Hint: If u installing the patches for first time the appropriate files wont be their in the folder. If the files were ther delete it. 4.        Open the command prompt set the path. 5.   ...

Increase temporary tablespace size in oracle

If you want to know the location of temporary tablespace: SELECT tablespace_name, file_name, bytes FROM dba_temp_files WHERE tablespace_name = 'TEMP'; If you want to delete the temporary tablespace: ALTER DATABASE  TEMPFILE 'C:\APP\BI\ORADATA\ORCL\TEMP01.DBF'  DROP INCLUDING DATAFILES; Recreate your tablespace with maxsize: ALTER TABLESPACE temp ADD TEMPFILE 'C:\APP\BI\ORADATA\ORCL\TEMP01.DBF' SIZE 512m AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 250m MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;

Oracle Tablespace in LINUX

Want to create tablespace in linux which handle any sort of data? If you creating any Production environment, Please do create your own tablespace and assign users for that tablespace Here is the query for you   CREATE TABLESPACE oracle DATAFILE '/oracle/obi_tablespace/oracle.dbf' SIZE 31G AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED LOGGING PERMANENT EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE BLOCKSIZE 8K SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;

ODBC Database Connections for DAC

Install and configure on the Developer Machine that will host the DAC Client and Informatica PowerCenter Tools The machines that will host these components require connectivity to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (target) database, transactional (source) database(s), and the DAC and Informatica repository databases. Start up ODBC Data Source Administrator.  In the System DSN table, click Add You must use the Oracle Merant ODBC driver to create the ODBC connections. The Oracle Merant ODBC driver is installed by the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installer. Therefore, you will need to create the ODBC connections after you have run the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installer and have installed the DAC Client Select the ODBC driver “Oracle Merant ODBC Driver”. Click Finish                                 ...