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Showing posts from October, 2013

DAC installation

Click on below installable … Specify the path for below installtion After installation informatica , locate this domain.infa file from informatica folder Save below file on desktop

Oracle Database 11G Installation in Windows

Follow this document for 11g R2 version….. if difference found please let me know Click on the setup of the 11g R2 Here below screenshot username : orcl password : orcl. Give same path for installing all the software on one folder itself Uncheck enable oracle configuration manager Please let your administrator know if status fails Enterprise Manager Database Control URL - (orcl) : Your database configuration files have been installed in D:\app\amolp while other components selected for installation have been installed in D:\app\amolp\product\11.1.0\db_1. Be cautious not to accidentally delete these configuration files.


Click on below installable for obiapps installation Start BI Services 7001 because our dashboard port is 7001 Username : weblogic Password : weblogic123( Whatever password we were using to install OBIEE 11g Enterprise Edition that password should be used to install BI Apps) Select all options excluding the Human resources and pharma Click Next Click Finish This ends the BI Apps Installation

Informatica Client 9.0.1 installation

Click on the below installable file Select option 1 install with hotfix2 , if you have already installed informatica then select 2nd option Uncheck informatica developer client 9.0 and next Calculated the disk space given as below 

Informatica Server 9.0.1 installation

Click on below installable file of server Only for installing the hot fix option select option2 else option1 Select option 1 install with hotfix2 , if you have already installed informatica then select 2nd option take care that as per below screenshot that path should not contain space else key will not be recognized Below steps are very important for creating the domain , while doing the load balancing second option is feasible. For new domain , select “Create Domain” Remove the tick of “https for Informatica Administrator” Automatically we will get database user id and the type , recorrect if it is not correct Create user named as ‘infa’ create user infa identified by infa; grant sysdba to infa; grant create session to infa; If above all things fails while configuring the user then you can setup the user as ‘sh’ as ‘sys’ for domain because it has super user access Untick jdbc parameter as shown in below screenshot ::::: Gave same password Username : Administrator...