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Showing posts from August, 2019

About Pivot View in OBIEE 12C

1. Close the Preview window that was open for the last exercise. 2. Click the New View icon on the top of the screen. 3. Choose Pivot Table from the dropdown list. About Pivot View in OBIEE 12C All new views get placed at the bottom of the compound layout. This view, like all others in the compound layout has three icons: Format, Edit, and Delete. About Pivot View in OBIEE 12C The Preview pane will display what your pivot table will look like once placed on a dashboard. The Layout pane is where you arrange your columns in the pivot table. You can also add a Prompt or put a column in the Sections. The Pivot Table View properties icon allows you to make basic changes to the pivot table such as adding alternating row β€œgreen bar” styling.

How to creating a new Analysis in OBIEE 12C

Subject Areas are collections of metrics and attributes that can be reported together in a meaningful way. Any dashboards that you have accessed recently can be opened from here. Any analyses that you have accessed recently can be opened from here. Selecting Columns Once a subject area is selected, a β€œPick List” appears on the left of the screen, organizing metrics and attributes into tables. When double clicked, the selected metric or attribute appears in the Selected Columns section. Any filters will appear in this section. In this case, no filters have been added. We will be adding a filter in a future exercise. The instructions for how to add columns to an analysis are listed in this section. Result

Working in the Graph Editor in OBIEE 12C

Working in the Graph Editor in OBIEE 12C You can put columns into the Graph Prompts section to provide a dropdown for users to choose which values to see in the graph. Working in the Graph Editor in OBIEE 12C You can put columns into the Sections section to create a graph for each value in that column. You can move columns around in the Bar Graph section to determine which columns are displayed in the Vertical and Horizontal Axis. You can also use the Excluded section for any columns you don’t want displayed in your graph.

Setting Graph Properties in OBIEE 12C

You can use the Canvas Width and Height settings to adjust the size of your graph. The default location for the Legend is to the right of the graph. Setting Graph Properties in OBIEE 12C Setting Graph Properties in OBIEE 12C Setting Graph Properties in OBIEE 12C 1. Choose β€˜Thousands(k)’ from the Abbreviate dropdown list. 2. Click the OK button. 3. Click the OK button. Setting Graph Properties in OBIEE 12C 1. Drag and drop the Layout window down so that you can see more of the Preview pane. 2. Your graph should look like the one displayed above. 3. Click Done to return to the compound layout.

How to edit the Graph View in OBIEE 12C

How to edit the Graph View in OBIEE 12C All new views get placed at the bottom of the compound layout. The graph has been put at the bottom under the Filters view. This view, like all others in the compound layout has three icons: Format, Edit, and Delete. After we edit this chart we will drag and drop it to be above the Filters view. How to edit the Graph View in OBIEE 12C The drop downs here allow you to change the graph type you are working on and other style settings for the graph. The Layout pane is where you arrange your columns in the Graph. You can also add a Prompt or put a column in the Sections. The Graph properties icon allows you to make basic changes to the table such as adding a title, moving the legend and cleaning up the axis. Saving The Result: How to edit the Graph View in OBIEE 12C

Adding a Grand Total in OBIEE 12C

Clicking on the β€œSigma” button to the right of the Columns and Measures section will add a grand total line to the table.

How to change column Order in OBIEE 12C

The column order can be changed by dragging and dropping the column. If you are in the Preview pane, hover over the column until you see the handle displayed above. Then you can just drag the handle to the desired location. If you use this method you will see a gray bar indicating where the column will end up after moving it. How to change column Order in OBIEE 12C How to change column Order in OBIEE 12C You can also re-order columns in the Layout pane. Click on a column header and start to move it. When dragging, a dark blue bar indicates where the column will end up.

Filtering the Analysis in OBIEE 12c

Analysis can easily be filtered by hovering over the column properties icon and selecting Filter. This will open the filter dialogue box. You can also add filters on columns that are not contained in your analysis by clicking the Create Filter icon. The operator column can be used to include, exclude, set a range, or many other options for filtering.

Editing the Table View in OBIEE 12c

The compound layout contains different views of the data as well as views such as title views. At this point we have the title view and the tabular view in the compound layout. Each view contains the following icons: Format Container – Change the formatting of the view including background color and border or set alignment. Edit View – Use this icon to put the view into edit mode if you want to make changes to it. Remove View from Compound Layout – This icon is used to remove views from the compound layout. The view is not deleted from the analysis but simply removed from the compound layout. We are now editing the table view from the compound layout. Notice the β€œEditing from…” message and the Done and Revert buttons in the upper right corner. You can make your changes to the table and then click the Done button to return to the compound layout. The table editor now contains a Preview pane so that you can see how your table view will look on a dashboard. You can re-size this pane a...

Changing Column Properties in OBIEE 12c

Each column in your analysis has a properties icon with the following selections: Sort – You can choose to sort Sort – Ascending or Descending by this column. Edit Formula – Allows users to create their own calculated columns and apply functions such as Rank, etc. Column Properties – This is where we can format data by adding currency symbols, changing fonts, colors and add conditional formatting to columns. Filter – We can add filters to the data to limit the report results to a specific data set. Delete – This will remove the column from the report. There are a lot of different formatting settings available through the column properties box. We will be doing a few more settings in future exercises. We will want to add custom headings for two of our columns in this analysis.

How to select columns in OBIEE

1. Once a subject area is selected, a β€œPick List” appears on the left of the screen, organizing metrics and attributes into tables. How to select columns in OBIEE 2. When double clicked, the selected metric or attribute appears in the Selected Columns section. 3. Any filters will appear in this section.In this case, no filters have been added. We will be adding a filter in a future exercise.

Creating a new Analysis in OBIEE

1. Subject Areas are collections of metrics and attributes that can be reported together in a meaningful way. 2. Any analyses or dashboards that you have accessed recently can be opened from here. 3. The overall most popular content that you have visibility to can be opened from here.  

Global Header of OBIEE

The global header, shown above contains links and options that allow you to quickly begin a task or locate a specific object within the Oracle BI Presentation catalog. Many of the options that are available via the global header are also available within the Home page.  The advantage of the global header is that it is always available from the user interface. When you are viewing a dashboard or working within one of the task editors, you can use the global header to quickly begin a new task, search the catalog, access product documentation, or view a different object without having to return to the Oracle BI EE Home page.

Navigating the OBIEE UI

The Oracle BI EE Home page provides you with an intuitive, task-based entry way into Oracle BI EE’s functionalities. The Home page is divided into sections that allow you to quickly begin a specific task, locate an object, or access technical documentation. You can always access the Home page by clicking the Home page link on the global header. From the home page you can quickly:    1. Create new content starting with the Create section in the upper left. 2. Browse existing reports, dashboards, scorecards etc.. 3. Review end user documentation in the Get Started section. 4. Open or edit your own private recently accessed content. 5. Open or access the overall most popular content that you have visibility to.