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Showing posts from August, 2014

Everything About Mapping of Informatica

Mappings Overview: Mappings represent the data flow between sources and targets. When the Informatica Server runs a session, it uses the instructions configured in the mapping to read, transform, and write data. Every mapping must contain the following components: Source definition. Describes the characteristics of a source table or file. Transformation. Modifies data before writing it to targets. Use different transformation objects to perform different functions. Target definition. Defines the target table or flat file. Connectors. Connect sources, targets, and transformations so the Informatica Server can move the data as it transforms it.   Mapping of Informatica A mapping can also contain one or more mapplets. A mapplet is a set of transformations that you build in the Mapplet Designer and can use in multiple mappings. When you add an object to a mapping, you configure the properties according to the way you want the...

Working with Sources in a Mapping of Informatica

When you create a mapping, you must add one or more source definitions to it. When you drag a source into the Mapping Designer workspace, you add an instance of the source definition to the mapping. The Mapping Designer displays source instances in read-only mode. Every mapping requires at least one transformation object that determines how the Informatica Server reads the source data:   Working with Sources in a Mapping Source Qualifier transformation. Represents data read from relational and flat file sources.  Normalizer transformation. Represents data read from COBOL sources. ERP Source Qualifier transformation. Represents data read from ERP sources. XML Source Qualifier transformation. Represents data read from XML sources. You can let the Designer create the Source Qualifier by default, so each time you drag a source into a mapping, the Designer adds a Source Qualifier and connects it to the source. Use the automatic Sou...

Working with mapping in Informatica

Working with Mappings: You can perform the following tasks with mappings: Create a mapping. When you create a mapping, you save the mapping name in the repository. You can then develop and save the mapping.  Open a mapping. You can open one mapping at a time in a folder. Copy a mapping. You can copy a mapping within the same folder or to another folder. Export a mapping. You can export a mapping to an XML file. Import a mapping. You can import a mapping from an XML file that you exported in the Designer. Edit a mapping. You can add, modify, or delete objects in a mapping. Save a mapping. When you save a mapping in the repository, the Designer performs mapping validation. Debug a mapping. Run the Debugger in the Mapping Designer to test mapping logic. Delete a mapping. Delete a mapping from the repository if you do not want to use it again.   Working with map...