Step by step procedure to configure Outlook for webmail server to send e-mails from Informatica. Step1: Go to Outlook. (Pic shown below) Outlook -> File -> Account Settings Step2: In Account Settings, add Sender and Recipient E-mail accounts. Select "Sender Email Account", and click on "Set as Default" Step3: Double-click on the "Sender Account", give the details as shown. Step4: Click on "More Settings". In "Advanced" tab, give the details as show in the pic below. In "Outgoing Server" tab, give the details as show in the pic below. Step5: Add Outlook Data Files as shown below. Step6: Create a distribution list with all the recipient e-mail ids, in the outlook address book. Step7: Go to Informatica Administration Console. Click on "Domain" and go to Properties. Give the "SMTP Confi...