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Showing posts from June, 2015

Informatica Real time Scenarios List

The article  prepared by Tazeen Zehra from Bangalore on informatica real time scenarios.  This scenarios questions has been prepared for the informatica developers and freshers who working in Informatica. 1)How to Separate duplicate values and distinct values from source by using aggregator transformation 2)How To Load Top 5 Records based on SAL without Using RANK transformation in Informatica 3)How to load every 4th record into target table in Informatica 4)How to load data based on even and odd record numbers in Informatica 5)Salary incrementing based on department by using router with expression 6)How to generate sequence number without using sequence generator transformation in informatica Informatica Real time Scenarios List 7)Top 5 highly paid employees without using rank,sequence generator transformation in informatica 8)removing $ symbol from currency in informatica 9)Creating email from first name,last name,organization name in info...